Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] a [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 There is , therefore , a strong case for bringing an open mind to the richness of the subject .
2 Experience can also be evoked as the condition for attributing a characteristic behaviour to someone , however , and this explains the possibility of using to even with the operative sense of know .
3 English Heritage has been severely criticised for allowing a Georgian chimney-piece to be removed from Stedcombe House in Devon , which is a listed building , and sold by the present owner .
4 Bentham , who is now most commonly known for his work as a Utilitarian social reformer , first set out his design solution for relating a social organisation to its physical setting in 1791 .
5 On March 5 two Palestinian teenagers were each sentenced to 30 years in prison for stabbing a Jewish student to death on a bus in Tel Aviv district on Dec. 2 , 1990 [ see p. 37928 ] .
6 Certainly , expecting that you will suffer from jet-lag hardly helps and this becomes an argument for adopting a positive attitude to the difficulties and knowing that they can be minimized by following the advice we give later .
7 Mr Goldberg said that after adopting a consumer-style approach to marketing , both Norfolk and Surrey County Councils had seen increased use of the school meal service .
8 Even after bidding a fond farewell to Ben and Carole Meadows , there still had n't been the opportunity to have anything other than a few brief casual words with Ross as he 'd driven them all back to New York .
9 UN Under-Secretary-General James Jonah , after heading a 10-member delegation to Mogadishu , the Somali capital , on Feb. 29-March 4 , declared himself " deeply depressed to note that efforts to relieve the starving people of Mogadishu have been recklessly disrupted " .
10 The first byes of the match eluded keeper Healy at 172 , the same score at which Manjrekar departed , run out after attempting a quick single to a Warne misfield .
11 The Leander class frigate headed for Portsmouth to be decommissioned after paying a final farewell to Teesside .
12 Jebir was arrested on Jan. 28 , shortly after releasing an open letter to Boudiaf which claimed that he was being used by a " junta " which had seized power and which was set to " shed people 's blood " behind his back .
13 An inquest in Wirral heard how Andrew Venables , 20 , suffered an agonizing death after having an adverse reaction to the drug .
14 In a home match against Huddersfield Town , Newcastle were 3–2 down after conceding a questionable penalty to the visitors .
15 The length of the adjusted pack was enough to cater for my unusually long back and after making a small adjustment to the shoulder strap attachment plates which can be swivelled to close or widen the gap between them at the neck , I had a very good fit .
16 I think I left the Bench at least with an impression that they had someone very special to deal with , I was , of course , all the time praying that no one for the police would ask for his Conduct Sheet , which they overlooked after making a dutiful response to the Bench , and I hurried away to be met outside the Court by Stewart , who at once asked me to lend him a pound .
17 Police are particularly anxious to hear from a man who suddenly hung up after making an anonymous call to the incident room in January .
18 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
19 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
20 In spite of these disadvantages , Macmillan 's next exploit , in June 1842 , was to ride the seventy miles into Glasgow , a trip which took him two days and resulted in his being fined the sum of five shillings for causing a slight injury to a small girl who ran across his path .
21 The glaring difficulties of attaching an imagistic label to minimalist/formal of conceptual artists such as Serra , Anselmo , Sonnier , Nauman , Morris and Long are ignored .
22 Both political and economic factors influence the AL of maintaining a safe environment to a very great degree .
23 There is always the problem of maintaining an encouraging tone to written reports .
24 Within this programme , what appears in the formal recommendations as an academic or school subject , in fact consists of approved principles and methods for cultural intervention into popular linguistic practices with the overall purpose of generating a subjective attachment to a particular sense of national identity .
25 Using a real-life example that assumes it costs $5 a line to write code and that 100 lines of code can be written a day , SmartStar figures it can cut the cost of generating a trivial application to $750 compared with $12,000 using a tool kit and $7,000 using a Motif GUI builder .
26 The conference rejected an Australian proposal endorsing the transfer of the West German stockpiles , but also stopped short of demanding an outright halt to the entire incineration project , calling instead for the US government to close the incinerator as soon as the current programme had been completed .
27 Finally , an example of bringing a good venue to remote areas was seen in the form of a railway wagon fitted out with benches , welding equipment , etc. , which could be left in sidings whilst local training took place .
28 The ITV policy of bringing a transatlantic style to British Television extended far beyond merely an emulation of programming .
29 Of great importance was the real incentive to [ Bunn ] not only to dis-embarrass himself of a thoroughly unsatisfactory debtor by getting a guarantee secured by a charge on a registered property , but also of producing a satisfactory answer to the awkward interest being shown by those at London Head Office .
30 He and fellow Catholic lords began to murmur of an uprising against Elizabeth ; and there were even plans for Mary to marry the Duke of Norfolk , in the hope of producing an acceptable successor to the throne of England .
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