Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] a [adj] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 Bateson resisted the claim that the gene was a material entity , but soon the more materialistic geneticists were arguing for a modified version of Weismann 's germ plasm theory in which the gene was a segment of the chromosome responsible for transmitting a particular character from one generation to the next .
2 Ehret 's enthusiasm over rare blooms was such as to prompt a daily walk from Chelsea to Parsons Green to watch the progress of Magnolia grandiflora in Sir Charles Wager 's garden .
3 Only about 20 per cent of the carbon in the coal ends up in the gas in either process , so carbonisation is not an efficient method for producing a carbon-based gas from coal .
4 Just four days after completing a 30-hour journey from Edinburgh to Darwin they were expected to overcome a nine-hour time difference and temperatures in the 90 's to beat a Northern Territories Invitation XV .
5 Mr Freeman said he would come to the town after meeting an all-party delegation from the council in London .
6 ‘ I had to ask my caddie to stand behind me to make sure I was aiming correctly , ’ he said after pushing a 6-iron shot from the thirteenth tee then hooking wide of the short fifteenth green with the same club .
7 Tomorrow , ’ she repeated after getting a blank stare from her mother .
8 Even Hepworth shifted for a while into distribution after losing a regular order from the US for up to 40 copies of every film he made .
9 Random sampling means that a batch is accepted or rejected on the basis of the number of rejects found after taking a random sample from the batch .
10 DEBT-ridden Coalite fuel group Anglo United is on the brink of collapse just six months after wresting a refinancing agreement from its bankers .
11 CCG staff are now on board two floats in the North Sea 's Brent Field after winning a new contract from Shell U.K. Exploration and Production , operator in the U.K. sector of the North Sea for Shell and Esso .
12 In Edinburgh , autumn 1959 , another co-founder of International Times , Louisiana-born Jim Haynes , soon after winning an early discharge from the US Airforce at the nearby Kirknewton base , opened his Paperback Shop in Charles Street , off George Square .
13 At the other end former Bangor striker Francis Smith , making his first appearance for Tobermore , went close after receiving a good ball from White on the right wing .
14 RICHARD CONLAN hits out for Huyton on Saturday after receiving a special award from Competition sponsors Weightman Rutherfords .
15 Certificates of Recommendation were awarded to Thomas Mundy , aged 60 , for the rescue of a boy aged 3 from a mill lode at Hull on 4th April 1906 ; Charles Pain in 1920 for saving a woman attempting suicide , and to Howard Swinbourne , aged 34 , for saving a suicidal woman from the River Trent at Nottingham on 20th May 1985 .
16 The effect is not dissimilar to that of seeing a major city from the air : zones and landmarks become topographically clear ; boundaries and scale are established .
17 None of the frustration of seeing a great-looking slope from the chairlift and not having the time to ski it because of a lunch date in the next valley ?
18 To be fair , he did also point out that neither did Yorkshire 's Asian population flock in droves of more than three or four to see the hero from the subcontinent in action ; but then he may be aware , as so many apparently are not , that the prospect of seeing a Hindu lad from Bombay doing well for Yorkshire — as he assuredly will — is not exactly high on the agenda for the Pakistanis who form the greater part of the Asian population in those parts .
19 Justice Model writers were also mostly sceptical of the effectiveness of deterrence and even more so of the validity of deriving a just tariff from deterrent considerations ( as Beccaria and Bentham claimed to do ) .
20 It was also in 1956 that Teller and scientists from the Massachussetts Institute of Technology assembled at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute , Cap Cod , to solve the problem of firing a nuclear missile from a submerged , and virtually invulnerable , submarine .
21 For Einsiedeln turn off left onto road No 8 for Schwyz , offering the possibility of completing a round trip from canton Schwyz via Altdorf , Klausen Pass and Glarus with return by the N3 and national road No 8 to Schwyz .
22 Another way of producing a new set from two old ones A and B is to define their difference
23 The enormous risks and start-up costs of launching a new daily from scratch prevented anyone trying , until new technology and a successful challenge to the strength of the trade unions transformed Fleet Street economics in the mid-1980s — making ‘ Fleet Street ’ itself an archaic term , since the construction of production plant elsewhere , notably Wapping , was part of the process .
24 The king could intrude on the local scene by bringing in an outsider ( perhaps with some local associations ) but he also had the option of picking a talented man from a local family to endow with countships or abbacies .
25 Instead of seeking a random sample from a population in which each member has a known , calculable and non-zero probability of inclusion , the quota sample proceeds by deliberately selecting a sample which reflects the known composition of the target population .
26 In mid-August I made the great mistake of seeking a four-day break from London to stay with friends in France .
27 This short , steel , truncheon-like weapon was capable of meeting a full-blown attack from a sword-wielding samurai .
28 O the cruelty of separating a poor lad from his early homestead !
29 THE TVP 's crank-driven DIY rock ‘ n ’ roll may sound dated in these wearing , uncaring times , but that said they still have n't lost the knack of pulling a good tune from seemingly nowhere or coming up with an idea that will tug at your sleeve for attention .
30 That is something that we are keen to see , and I am confident of getting a positive response from the executive and the commission shortly .
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