Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pers pn] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So we do have a problem and and we need to grasp that the a conclusion talking about rolling programme we are concerned about resources we 're , we 're , we 're concerned about using them to the best advantage .
2 Well they 're on about backdating it to the third .
3 From a technical point of view the superiority of nephrite over the stones plentifully available for everyday tools would hardly justify the increased cost of ensuring adequate supplies or the enormously greater cost of shaping it to the correct form .
4 There is great potential in the land around the port in Belfast and it is important that , when that land is sold , it is sold to a company capable of developing it to the best advantage of the people of Belfast and Northern Ireland .
5 Cutting the glass is simply a matter of scoring it to the required size with a glass cutter .
6 Furthermore , even if a surplus of wool was produced , there was perhaps more hope of selling it to the developing cloth industry than of disposing of grain which was not required , as a demand for clothing can be more flexible than one for food when men have additional purchasing power ( 59 ; 62 ) .
7 Erm he 'll erm if they accept it it 'll it 'll stand a chance of getting them to the main group .
8 How could he think of abandoning her to the malevolent clutches of this voracious monster ?
9 Nurses can help all patients by talking with them , keeping in mind the objective of orienting them to the new environment and routine .
10 This shows an irony that although Saint Francis gave all he had to the needy , the church is spending its money on building magnificent and expensive structures instead of giving it to the poor .
11 ‘ We 're thinking of taking it to the European Court of Human Rights ’ , she says .
12 Yes , he 'd bring Ma to the fête , by way of introducing her to the new life .
13 Once out of the village they picked up speed and took a road that would zigzag through five hamlets before bringing them to the only cart track that wound up the lower slopes of the mountain .
14 The instructor smiled as he went to each man in turn and pulled out two full arm lengths of cord from their parachutes before attaching it to the static line .
15 He made imprints of the keys in bars of soap before returning them to the sleeping prison officer .
16 First , the practice of grazing calves from May until late July on permanent pasture , then moving these to hay or silage aftermath before returning them to the original grazing in late autumn .
17 Again , apart from alerting you to the likely development of a problem here , such inspections will help to ensure that even with a painful condition , the dog will have sufficient confidence to allow you to treat it without attempting to snap or simply pulling its head away repeatedly .
18 When refloating a herd , it is important to hold the rescued animals together until the entire herd is assembled before releasing them to the open sea .
19 Helen Gardner was aware of the problem , observing that the pursuit of image patterns , or of the ideas in a poem , can be useful to the interpreter , but can not ‘ be more than auxiliary in leading us to the true ‘ meaning' ’ of the work , which is the meaning which enlarges our own imaginative life . ’
20 Lift the stencil carefully , and rinse and dry it before moving it to the next position .
21 We weakened the signal in several ways , one of which was by damaging the cells of the polarizing region with high doses of X-rays before grafting it to the anterior margin .
22 He had also torn off the copyright mark from the greeting card before sending it to the Italian artisans who made the sculptures .
23 The remaining operating staff had to work long hours preparing and implementing an evacuation programme for school children , an exercise in which the trams played their part in getting them to the main line railway stations on the first part of their journey away from London .
24 First , the bishop had been enthusiastic in inviting him to the new work and had been wide open to the initiative .
25 The new matrix is symmetric , since both its i , jth and j , ith elements are unity ; moreover , its determinant is -1 , since in moving the jth row to the ith position unc we cross j — i rows ; but the original ith row is now the i + 1th and so in taking it to the jth position we cross j — i — 1 rows .
26 Here he may well have acted as a diplomatic go-between in introducing them to the Roman traders , whose imports have been found at their main centre , the great oppidum at Bagendon near Cirencester .
27 I prod it with a fork and brown it on the fire before introducing it to the thick slice of toast .
28 When the propeller is on you open and close your throttle to check it works before setting it to the correct position .
29 But consider how He was heard : certainly not by having the cup taken away , but in being … supported while He drank it ; and in victoriously accomplishing His grand design through drinking it to the very dreg . ’
30 The DOE continues to support a study of the migration of the natural decay-series radionuclides of uranium and thorium in a variety of sedimentary settings in Cornwall and Scotland in order to test our ideas and modelling capabilities with a view to applying them to the geological disposal of radioactive waste .
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