Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was the start of a series of events that led finally to his fast exit from America , never to return , and many close to him believe to this day he was eventually ostracized by powerful Hollywood money for bringing the film industry into such disrepute .
2 That is why Britain 's Institute of Directors has this week been rudely attacking the government for allowing the business renaissance of the past decade to be ‘ torpedoed by runaway inflation ’ .
3 The bar in quantities such as denotes the volume average of the quantity .
4 Sarah Bell , of Gordon Crescent , Richmond , and Malcolm Green , of Finghall , near Leyburn , were each fined £100 and ordered to pay £20 costs by Leyburn magistrates yesterday for using a TV set without a licence .
5 Post Office spokesman David Ormiston said last night : ‘ She has been summonsed to appear before Horseferry Road magistrates for using a television set at home without a licence .
6 It would probably proceed as follows : from A , go to all the openings you can see ; from each of those openings , go to any further openings you can see ; by continuing this procedure , generate the tree of Figure 10 ; report the shortest sequence starting at A and ending at E. The reason for preferring a computer program to a verbal account ( for example , the one just given ) , is that , when writing a program , you are forced to say exactly what you mean ; if the program works , you know that there are no hidden difficulties with your explanation .
7 This has been considered in a number of recent winding-up cases , notably in Re Abbey Leisure Ltd [ 1990 ] BCC 60 , where the Court of Appeal said that two grounds for preferring a winding-up order to the transfer notice procedure and valuation by a company 's auditor were : ( 1 ) that there was nothing unreasonable in a petitioner with a minority holding refusing to accept a discount being applied to the valuation of his interest in the company , which an auditor was likely to decide on ; and ( 2 ) that there was machinery available in winding-up for the proper determination of claims , which was not available to an auditor .
8 So it was that in indicating my reasons for preferring the West Country for my motoring , instead of leaving it at mentioning several of the alluring details as conveyed by Mrs Symons 's volume , I made the error of declaring that a former housekeeper of Darlington Hall was resident in that region .
9 a general procedure for inventing a clustering algorithm for any particular situation .
10 I suggested that it might be worth using a barrier method of contraception , such as the cap or the sheath , for a couple of months before trying for a baby .
11 Individual monetary authorities were then responsible for maintaining the exchange value of their currencies within a band 1 per cent either side of this agreed par value .
12 I WAS surprised to read in the article by Harry Mead ( Echo January 17 ) and your editorial ( January 20 ) where , after a careful scrutiny of the present troubles in Northern Ireland , both of your suggested conclusions were for accepting the defeatist attitude of the greater good subordinating itself to the prevalent evil .
13 With forcing and response known , whether CO 2 changes lead or lag climate changes is irrelevant for deriving the climate sensitivity of the LGM .
14 There seemed to be no incompatibility between building a welfare state at home and discharging the responsibilities of a great power abroad .
15 Whaka Whaka , the 10 piece all women band , comes to the aid of Greenpeace activists who are being sued by McDonalds for producing a fact sheet on What 's Wrong with McD 's food .
16 In the fourth century BC the Greek city of Cyzicus ( quite near the Bosporus ) made peculiarly archaic-looking coins of electrum , and these seem to have been intended for financing the corn trade between the Black Sea and Greece , as we can surmise from finds of them and from inscriptions .
17 This might include a set of rules for relating the surface form of an utterance to its underlying meaning , and certain grammatical categories such as sentence subject and object of the verb .
18 Indeed these three banks have special opportunities for widening the credit horizon of people who do not at the moment have bank accounts .
19 Although senior Digital executives have never confirmed the choice is between the two plants , it is expected that the company , in the current economic climate , will opt for keeping a manufacturing facility at only one of the factories , which would have serious economic and social consequences for the plant coming off worse .
20 At the same time , there was clearly ample scope for trimming the cost base to its feasible minimum through the provision of common services .
21 This year 's income may be a poor indicator of a household 's true economic spending power , and there is something to be said for basing the tax assessment on property values .
22 The Committee had been appointed to consider the Foreign Office only and , although they heard a considerable amount of evidence about rebuilding the War Department as part of the denigration of Pennethorne , they specifically excluded it from their Report .
23 The original intention in the present work was to use GeoRef for checking the publication history of the thesis research .
24 The original intention in the present work was to use GeoRef for checking the publication history of the thesis research .
25 a magnifying glass designed for checking the dot image of a halftone .
26 From the campaign , there are no more worthy candidates for MBEs than those SWP members who put on rowdy demos wherever Major appeared ( the suspicion of collusion still lingers ) ; The Duchess of York , too , deserves an honour ( if that is constitutionally permissible ) for staging a mid-campaign diversion on the day the unemployment figures came out .
27 Its new chairman , Lord Rees-Mogg , showed an enthusiasm for applying the market approach to museums , art centres , and the like .
28 It was impossible to find objective justification for applying the residence requirement to investors in or directors of companies operating in the fisheries sector .
29 The driver , who was normally employed as a fitter , but had some driving experience with the Corporation , was acting as a relief driver and was found to be principally to blame for the accident , because of his lack of experience , which resulted in his letting the car take the curve at too great a speed and the conductor for applying the hand brake at his end so as to lock the wheels ; he had received no instruction on the proper procedure .
30 So long as this error can be minimised , a strong case exists for adopting a survey method in the UK .
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