Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [det] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yet as we noted in our tenth report : ‘ The price that some children may pay for demanding little of the teacher may be that they are given work which demands little of them ’ ( Alexander et al .
2 After eating most of the load the method is wonderful and wholeheartedly recommended .
3 After trimming most of the meat away , the bones will make marvellous stock or soup .
4 But he gave the all clear after testing most of the track in the post lunch stroll .
5 Shields , of Carnac Crescent , Inverness , was said to have felt so guilty that he gave himself up to police after selling some of the haul to pay for drink .
6 After harvesting most of the crop is stored in large storage buildings and gradually , over the winter and spring months , the potatoes are graded and released for sale .
7 So at last I was to savour the delights of staging at Rutbah Wells fort and , after travelling most of the daylight hours from Baghdad , it was bliss to get into the fort with all its comforts .
8 Mary-Claude was sad to leave because , after spending much of the summer visiting her family with Sarah , she was not looking forward to an indefinite stay in Alabama , where she knew hardly anyone and where , after Beirut and Larnaca , the sheer difference in the scale of everything made her feel uneasy and exposed .
9 After conveying much of the horror of the siege , Tolstoy concluded optimistically .
10 The quality audit will be the measure of the calibre of centres ' internal quality systems and will provide the means by which SCOTVEC can decide whether a centre is ready to accept devolved responsibility for operating any of the quality elements .
11 BT has gone a few steps further , and begun trials of its own telephone robot , capable of handling many of the routine tasks usually dealt with by its 25,000 human operators .
12 One other committee brought into existence as part of the project structure is the Inservice Panel , which is charged with the responsibility of developing staff-development and inservice activities and of articulating these with the county 's existing inservice training ( INSET ) programme .
13 The real benefit of reading Baudelaire himself on the art of his contemporaries is the chance of recovering some of the excitement the poet felt .
14 Here , briefly , I want to take their critique seriously as a way of identifying the issue of value , of resisting the more celebratory aspects of an accommodation to the logic of commodification and consumption , and of recovering some of the ground lost or forfeited by critique .
15 I think the idea of using this in the foreground er , as I was saying , with landscapes , and the same thing applies to seascapes as well , it 's nice to have a bit of detail lower down , but I do n't think that the the background , the sort of , main part of the photograph is terribly strong .
16 The group reviewed evidence that the warming effect might be delayed by the high levels of sulphur dioxide present in the atmosphere as a result of industrial pollution , on account of the gas 's property of reflecting some of the sun 's incoming heat .
17 It 's just the thought of seeing more of the island that appeals to me , she told herself firmly , hefting her travel bag across her shoulder .
18 Young people of the late sixties and early seventies who were more affluent , had more time and had grown up with an expectation of seeing more of the world , were able to travel far more easily than previous generations .
19 Two films , Hell 's Angels on Wheels and Rebel Rouser were supposed to follow in the wake of The Wild Angels , even to the point of including some of the cast of that film , like Bruce Dern and Diane Ladd .
20 I 'm sure I could find him now , but I have made a vow that I am not going to tell anyone where he is , for the man is innocent and has no hope of proving that at the moment .
21 A second aspect of growth we discovered was that in joining a church planting team there is a fresh opportunity to discover the joy of adopting some of the lifestyle to which Jesus called us .
22 A solicitor who can not be named for legal reasons faces trial in the summer accused of laundering much of the drug money .
23 Analysts claimed that Syria was already investigating the possibility of purchasing some of the world 's most advanced weaponry .
24 I believe tobacco-smoke is the most effectual , but to one not a smoker it would require to be a case of hiring another to the office of smoking away the midges — a work many would gladly undertake , for tobacco is looked on in the Highlands as a very great good , almost as essential as the whiskey .
25 Rather , I settle for a balanced , rounded style of dressing most of the time , more Dougie Heywood than Tommy Nutter .
26 The advantage to the male , then , is that by pecking at the female 's cloaca he probably enhances his chances of fathering some of the clutch .
27 Work-study was presented as a means of solving some of the student problems .
28 The very poorest , who depend on state benefits , will be relieved of paying much of the charge , but those with just enough income to be denied this relief will suffer severely .
29 Indeed , the business of turning some of the Act 's most central provisions into the regulations needed to implement them has proved so exceedingly complex that some crucial regulations , more than six years later , are still in draft .
30 Or is it to be videoed in front of a live audience with the risk of loosing some of the dialogue ?
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