Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] most " in BNC.

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1 Here 's a tough but effective way of honing in on the most meaningful elements of your life .
2 But the seats that Common Wealth began to win were often seats which Labour would have stood little chance of winning even under the most favourable conditions .
3 Average walkers will go further along the glen to the Lochan Dubha at the foot of Blaven before returning happily after a most interesting ten-mile trek .
4 Could always be relied upon to break down on the most dangerous stretch of the motorway .
5 It 's very amusing , and you 've explained it amusingly to us , but er , there 's a lot of truth , I think in er , what you say and er how can we , er make the best of these unwelcome guests who insist on turning up at the most inopportune times , when we 're trying to enjoy ourselves .
6 At the same time , however , he earned massive public support for standing up to the most widely feared and despised Soviet institution .
7 Erm I think it would be nice if the grammar were checked from , we promised to give high priority in responding , surely we can give priority to responding , and as a small point , I was gon na go on about the most important road which of course is Breadfield Street
8 Such economies of attention are achieved by dealing only with the most superficial aspects of an experience .
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