Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] can only be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 With k remaining constant , the equality between the supply of and the demand for money can only be restored if P or Y increase .
2 We recognise that the urgent need for homes can only be met by mobilising both private investment and public spending .
3 New tasks for perception can only be carried out in the same way ‘ under the guidance of tactile appropriation ’ ( ibid : 242 ) .
4 Treatment for Thrush can only be obtained on prescription from your doctor or clinic .
5 Hypotheses which are worth testing can only be developed in areas about which a good deal is known , i.e. where a great deal of empirical field data has already been collected .
6 Similarly , a fair exchange of values can only be realized by either a broad doctrine of unconscionability or a reversal of the rule that a court will not assess the adequacy of consideration .
7 Because the amount of VideoRAM can only be used to give a higher resolution OR more colours there is an inevitable trade-off .
8 Such Marxists are arguing that whatever people may believe subjectively about their own freedom to make choices which will shape their society , the true locus of change can only be understood in terms of the objective laws of motion and requirements of the capitalist mode of production .
9 There are those critics of the polytechnics who regard this as a most unfortunate development and would go so far as to castigate them for betraying their primary purpose , which they see as providing for the communities in which they are located , something which of necessity can only be done primarily through part-time provision .
10 Given the singularly uncertain nature of the ‘ military control ’ which British forces in fact exercised at the time , one can sympathize with Mr Dennis when he remarks that ‘ this display of self-assurance can only be described as breathtaking ’ .
11 First , a rational plan of action can only be arrived at after the patient 's problems have been identified .
12 Such a state of tension can only be achieved by implanting a hidden structure which must be integral to the situation — and to what the class can understand of the situation .
13 In most systems , if a word is misspelt or miskeyed , that piece of data can only be retrieved if the same format is used during the retrieval process .
14 Shaikh Saad urged Kuwaitis to overcome their political differences and promised , in what was widely believed to be a reference to the restoration of the 1962 constitution , that " the people of Kuwait can only be rewarded for their trust and loyalty by further trust " .
15 If the ascription of organizational goals to collectivities is rejected as metaphorical or metaphysical , then the language of goals can only be maintained by ascribing them to individuals or groups within the organization .
16 Finally , perhaps this change of mood can only be explained in the wider context of gradual changes in government policy on the inner city and UDCs — the emergence of a ‘ new realism ’ tempering the policies and rhetoric of the radical right .
17 The electronic structures of atoms can only be described in quantum terms , and are now well understood .
18 From the British ‘ classical ’ economists , Adam Smith , David Ricardo , Adam Ferguson and James Mill , Marx accepted the idea that the ‘ laws of motion ’ of capitalism can only be grasped via simplified economic models , and that different groups in production have opposing interests ( Meek , 1973 ) .
19 The effects of retirement can only be understood on an individual basis , its significance depending upon a personal interpretation of the value and importance of work , and what the individual wants and expects from the rest of his or her life .
20 Dill , the ‘ boarded meeting place ’ , was one of the few Sussex hundreds that seems to have had any accommodation specially provided ; what effect the winter conditions had on the conducting of business can only be imagined .
21 Except for criterion ( 1 ) , the requirement of reasonableness can only be invoked outside a consumer context .
22 The health conditions of the vast majority of Salvadoreans can only be described as critical and it is women who must bear the brunt of caring for the ill .
23 Co-ordination with the other flyers through a schedule of figures can only be achieved with full understanding , and a strong team leader who acts as a caller to signal all the changes of movement .
24 The nature of the movement of goods can only be understood if it is seen in relation to the complex and changing framework of society .
25 It is quite common in primitive exchange systems that the movement of goods can only be seen in one direction .
26 But the very nature of advice can only be understood if we understand in what spirit it is meant to be offered and for what reasons it is meant to be taken .
27 Nyman and Silberston , while making use of fixed percentages , also insist that the location of control can only be discovered by a case by case approach .
28 ( 2 ) A requirement under this section to provide specimens of breath can only be made at a police station .
29 This type of debate can only be resolved when looking at the functions in some detail .
30 Likewise in ( 84 ) one can not hear a tune " come " from somewhere ( cf. the strangeness of * I heard the tune come from the top of the hill ) : its source of emission can only be identified by a process of deduction which interprets what is directly observed in order to arrive at the conclusion that the sound is coming from such-and-such a point .
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