Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] from which [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 In short , capitalist states were becoming thoroughly entangled in a set of conflicts from which they could not easily extricate themselves .
2 I had made a start in Burmese at the School of Oriental Languages in London , going up from Stepney for a weekly lesson , so I could read haltingly and use a score or more greetings and questions , which deceived the kindly village people into thinking that I knew more than I did , with the result that an opening sentence of mine would elicit a whole string of Burmese from which I would only pick up a word or two .
3 The whole thing hidden beneath layers of ice and rock , untraceable from the air : a flexible and formidable system of defences from which they would launch their attack on the Seven .
4 A more important reason not to experiment is to avoid the possibility of getting the glider into an untested mode of spin from which it might be difficult or impossible to recover .
5 For one way of denying someone the respect to which he is entitled is by failing to treat him as an autonomous agent , for example , by unreasonably restricting the range of alternative courses of action from which he can choose .
6 The fears are now that the outgoing government of the Christian Democrats , Socialists , Liberals and Social Democrats will no longer be able to command a majority , leaving a plethora of parties from which it will be impossible to form a working coalition .
7 At the same time , it has permitted the formation of a more precise theory of relationships from which we may deduce evolutionary pathways .
8 The 18 neighbours of an animal are the 18 different kinds of children that it can give rise to , and the 18 different kinds of parent from which it could have come , given the rules of our computer model .
9 One of the reasons for writing so much about growing your own plants is that not all flowers and foliage suitable for pressing are available from florists , which can considerably limit the palette of colours from which you will work .
10 There is an unlimited number of ideas from which you can choose to back your picture , using any fabric from a dainty piece of real silk through tweeds , rough and raw silks and linens , to hessians , velvets , cottons and even several layers or pieces of different materials .
11 2.47 Lord Pearson would have awarded a multiplicand of £4,000 from which he would have deducted £250 for the accelerated receipt of the £10,000 .
12 At the same time , in contrast to earlier eras , the housework is more likely to be carried out in isolation , without reference to others or without any external standard of comparison from which she might derive status or recognition for her particular skills as a cook or a housewife .
13 If objectives from the higher categories of Bloom 's taxonomy are included , where students are asked to make judgements , to criticise and evaluate ; and if students are given a range of objectives from which they may make their own choices and even , at the later stages of training , are encouraged to write their own , then this will go a long way to meeting this criticism .
14 And if a work as trite , foolish and offensive to women as Now , Voyager should , after 40 years , remain as watchable today as on its initial release , when equally feeble plays and novels from the same period have vanished into a limbo of neglect from which they can never be retrieved , it is a tribute less to the very questionable ‘ artistry ’ of its writer and director than to the enduring fascination of its leading actress .
15 At the same time , it builds a prison-house of rhetoric from which there may be no practical possibility of escape : as later with the writings of Baudrillard , their critique , in its totalizing embrace , always seems to have a neutralizing answer to suggestions of difference .
16 A display page containing a list of options from which one may be selected .
17 Working people are reduced to a relationship of immediacy from which they can not escape .
18 She , who had always helped lame dogs , now refused the many helping hands that were held out to her , because they only hauled her back , temporarily , into a life of comfort from which she would later have to return to reality .
19 Most finds that were simply lost ( small and easily mislaid , such as coins and brooches ) or objects that fell into places from which they could not be retrieved , such as wells , are often complete and may be in very good condition , depending on the materials from which they are made and the conditions in which they have been buried .
20 As well as raising ethical and moral issues , such a policy might reduce further the provision of beds in intensive care units for patients with illness from which they may recover .
21 Most of the information available from institutions from which we could sample concerned adult applicants rather than adult enquirers .
22 Some 2.7 million people still live in affected areas--400,000 of them in areas made unfit for human habitation because of radiation levels or in areas from which they should have been moved .
23 It became more of a defensive round , seldom in positions from which he could attack the hole and three-putting both the 11th and 15th .
24 I have never read of any firm in Britain from which I could purchase a light box .
25 I have never read of any firm in Britain from which I could purchase a light box .
26 The first occurs at the transition from the institution to independence , when the girls were often in need of help and about to launch themselves on a course in life from which it might be hard to turn back .
27 So next morning the thousand mosstroopers divided into three sections , two hundred to go with the Regent as decoys , two hundred to hide near Sunlaws ford and the remainder , six hundred , with a score or two of Heiton 's own men , to head for the Kale Water valley where Heiton would place them in position from which they could ambush the pursuit once Murray 's fleeing party was past .
28 Stalinism posed a crisis for Marxism from which it could , in a sense , be said never to have recovered , the conundrum being that if Marxism is true , as it claims that it is , how did the first Marxist state end up as Stalinist ?
29 I suppose that there are very few places on Moila from which one can not see the sea .
30 Some , such as the Green Iguana from Central and northern South America , are largely vegetarian and diurnal , basking on branches over waterways from which they will dive if predators threaten .
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