Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to which [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 For reasons to which I shall refer later I do not think that we should do that .
2 Anyway , if the right hon. Gentleman had remained in the Chamber , he would have realised that much of what he said was total nonsense , for reasons to which I shall turn in a moment .
3 First , the original client shows up on a plane of existence to which she would never normally have access .
4 We 're gon na , we 're gon na stay on this issue of ownership and surpluses for a little time , cos it 's actually so important , but it 's not unreasonable for your pensioners to think that here was this pot of money to which one could dip into , but the only thing is the pot of money disappeared did n't it ?
5 If so it would seem to suggest that we have an absolute rule of conduct or an agreed blue-print of morality to which there can be no exceptions .
6 The victims would resist more if they knew the limits of ill-treatment to which they might be subjected .
7 If you are unlucky enough to be in a firm where this is not yet done , or if you are self-employed , there are a number of organisations to which you can turn for advice and help .
8 Although based on research of lasting value , the draft Articles on service of documents rest overmuch on United States perceptions and would not have survived the sort of examination to which they would have been exposed at an international diplomatic conference .
9 They saw abstractions as in some warm and coloured , and the sort of things to which you could appropriately apply quite vivid adjectives .
10 They saw abstractions as in some way warm and coloured , and the sort of things to which you could appropriately apply quite vivid adjectives .
11 That is one of the problems of democracy to which we shall have to return .
12 For instance , I can see that writing this book is a function of my job and as such is part of the responsibility of earning a living , but it is also an escape for me , a kind of haven to which I can take refuge from the hundred and one pressures that impinge on the practical business of living .
13 The elderly , unemployed , the less skilled , single-parent families , larger families are all concentrated in council tenure because it is the only form of tenure to which they may have easy access .
14 Just as the higher law of life stops an apple held in my hand from obeying the law of gravity to which it would otherwise be subject , so the law ( as he daringly calls it ) of the Spirit overcomes the sin death principle to which the Christian would otherwise be subject .
15 The degree of stability to which it could attain remained to be seen .
16 We can all think of examples to which we would apply these descriptions and be willing to give reasons .
17 Henry wondered where the brake cable was , what it looked like , whether it was the kind of thing to which you could take a saw .
18 When you receive your copy you will discover a unique range of benefits to which you will become entitled as a WWF Teacher Member .
19 The Crown argued that , in the same way a deliberate cross-check to the back of the neck might exceed the implied consent to risk of injury in a hockey game , the known presence of HIV is so inherently dangerous that sex with someone who is HIV positive extends beyond the norm of conduct to which one can validly consent .
20 These same factors might also make it more likely that a person will experience the sorts of events to which they will be vulnerable .
21 Because they spent their year off teaching children in a nursery school , or working in a home for mentally handicapped people , and they discovered a new area of interest to which they can relate , and they become motivated to read that subject .
22 Hymes ' checklist of ethnographic features offers one characterisation of context to which we can relate such deictic elements .
23 To describe the positions and velocities of atoms in a polymer requires choosing a set of global axes , defining a continuum , with reference to which we may describe the positions and velocities of the atoms .
24 But they had no place in public life , and we hear nothing about them in the Historia Novorum , which is concerned with events to which we must now turn .
25 In the case of a sale by auction the standard special conditions which incorporate , in turn , the standard conditions can be very simply adapted to the transaction , but remember to insert , in cases to which it will be applicable , a clause providing that the sale is subject to a reserve , unless you can rely on such a provision in the standard conditions , which by reference you incorporate in the special conditions of sale .
26 In particular , I wish you well for the National Conference in March to which you will be rushing immediately after our meeting with the SMT on March 8th .
27 Bradford 's scientific contribution to the programme will be in the development of photocatalytic particles of high activity , in addition to which it will fulfill the management role of Project Coordination between the partners and with the E.C .
28 It is in three parts and the main physical bulk takes up at least three metres of shelf space , in addition to which there may be one metre of reference books and some local information on file or cards .
29 They had been thinking of a job in Parma to which I would commute daily ; but this one sounded very interesting , something after my own heart .
30 The local authority , the Croydon London Borough Council , had applied to the justices in circumstances to which I will refer for an interim care order .
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