Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] of which [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Jakobson 's answer to this argument is , however , a powerful one : all users of a language must necessarily know the system of categories into which its different elements are divided , even if only unconsciously ; and his analysis of poetry does not claim to represent what goes on in the reader 's mind , but to account for the special effect which the poetry , for reasons of which he may well be unaware , exercises on him .
2 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
3 It aims to secure both that the consumer is not misled and also that he is not left in ignorance of matters of which he should lie informed .
4 During a recent election broadcast he featured as Sir Denis ‘ Foreman ’ — as in the foreman of a building site , rather than of Granada of which he used to be deputy chairman .
5 In short , we now have a wealth of riches of which we can be proud .
6 With many populations we are already aware that the units fall into sub-groups of which we would wish to take account in any sampling .
7 Most of the living cephalopods also have an ink sac which injects a smoky fluid into the water when the animal is threatened , under cover of which they can make their own jet-propelled escape .
8 And all this merely supplements and whets the appetite for the serious nourishment of hot dogs and beer , in search of which you must leave your seat and descend below the stands .
9 Thus , for instance , Jeremy Lever QC in a recent article referred to ‘ the lack of recitals to United Kingdom legislation and the rule that reports of parliamentary debates are inadmissible as aids to construction , in consequence of which there may be no way in which the objects of United Kingdom legislation can be readily ascertained by our courts . ’
10 The first of these concerns the attempt to construct a general theoretical framework in terms of which we can answer the ‘ limited ’ particular questions of the second .
11 This suggests that what Mill may have meant in saying that one pleasure is of higher quality than another is that it may be pleasanter without there being a quantifiable relation between them , in terms of which there must be some amount of the second which is as worth while , in hedonic terms , as the first .
12 Whenever we compare two or more people , we can discover a variety of attributes in respect of which they may be equal or unequal .
13 Such acceptance will be subject to contract save in respect of the provisions of paragraphs … , … and … in respect of which there shall be a legally binding obligation between the Managers [ on behalf of themselves and [ name of company incorporated to effect acquisition ] ] and yourselves .
14 He followed the principles set out in the Gillian case and concluded that a local authority had a ‘ governing reputation ’ capable of being damaged by libellous statements in respect of which it might sue for injury to reputation without the need to prove damage to its property .
15 A corporation has an artificial persona and consequently there are certain allegations in respect of which it can not sue .
16 It adds that a tender and documents given by LCH to a buying member are deemed to comply with the contract terms unless the buyer notifies LCH to the contrary by 10 am the next day , in default of which he must pay for them .
17 How , then , does concentrating on the original sensation enable the solipsist to create a rule in virtue of which it can be objectively true that the new sensation is a pain ?
18 Some of the office rooms were comfortable enough in their way — far more so , indeed , than those in the new building — still , they were most inconveniently arranged , in proof of which it need only be mentioned that the Secretary of State in going from his own room to the Cabinet Room had to pass through two rooms occupied by other persons .
19 This was our ‘ Marche Képi Blanc ’ , on completion of which we would have passed the tests to become legionnaires .
20 The women 's organizations are also an important source of information for many refugees who would otherwise be isolated from events in their country and a channel by means of which they can express support for the revolutionary movement :
21 So the first people who made films , the first people who invented the apparatus by means of which they could be made , were relatively simple showmen or photographers , or in certain cases like Edison , erm the , you know a professional inventor , who would use either his staff to develop a piece of apparatus , or would do it himself .
22 The value of the ethological study of apes , monkeys and baboons is what it tells us about apes , monkeys and baboons ; only in very special circumstances , and in a very tentative way , should it be seen as a metaphorical alternative by means of which we can study man himself , as in a mirror .
23 There are no means that I know of , perhaps some social scientists present could suggest some , by means of which you could actually assess just what sort of a contribution he made .
24 Fleet standard is well illustrated with many photographs of the Dennis vehicles operated on local deliveries together with examples of the AFC flats and tankers used on long distance services when these were operated by Whitbread of which I can recall observing on their journey between London and the depots at Ashton-Under-Lyne and Stockport .
25 Broken by seas of which they could drink nothing .
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