Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adv] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 We should proceed beyond the immediate results of experience only so far as legitimate inductions will take us .
2 One of the most universal of all designs ; it is found in the artistic and religious expression of cultures as far apart as America , Europe and India , as well as China , and has been ascribed many meanings ; the most popular of these are happiness , the heart of the Buddha and the number 10,000 .
3 In general , too , rhythmic and temporal features of speech are ignored in transcriptions ; the rhythmic structure which appears to bind some groups of words more closely together than others , and the speeding up and slowing down of the overall pace of speech relative to the speaker 's normal pace in a given speech situation , are such complex variables that we have very little idea how they are exploited in speech and to what effect ( but , cf.
4 The pattern recognition should also be able to identify the beginnings of words much more accurately than at present , and more investigation of the efficacy of some measure of word length would be useful .
5 In Andalusia , General Gonzalo Queipo de Llano occupied Seville on 18 July , while General Enrique Varela took the port of Cadiz and a long stretch of coast eastwards as far as Algeciras , close to Gibraltar .
6 We were so confident of each other 's love that should one of us make that final , selfish decision the other would feel his friend 's sense of loss even more keenly than his own .
7 Excavations at Tepe Gawra much nearer the highland sources of metals show that close contacts had already been established with the city states of Sumer as far back as the middle of the fourth millennium B.C. By the time of the Royal Cemetery of Ur ( c.2600–2500 B.C. ) metallurgy and not least gold- and silversmithing had already reached a stage at which many of the fundamental processes had been mastered .
8 He had certainly mentioned the possibility of independence as far back as the mid- 1950s .
9 Lord Alverstone recorded that when at the Bar he was able to read the sheets of correspondence almost as fast as he could turn them over , and he never required to read them twice .
10 Yet most modern models of language , from Saussure 's onwards , give a fuller and more coherent account of it than traditional grammar ever did , and therefore offer the possibility of describing the linguistic features of texts far more exactly than was possible with the rag-bag of grammatical and metaphorical terminology on which criticism has traditionally depended .
11 Only later was this amended to allow the return of Yugoslavs home so long as they went willingly .
12 Guests included 8 past presidents as far back as Roger Mansfield ( 1960–61 ) .
13 Moreover , to compete successfully against Microsoft Corp 's NT , users must be assured that applications will run under one version of Unix just as easily as another .
14 Johns ( 1991 : 10–11 ) makes similar claims with respect to topic-prominent vs. subject-prominent languages : ‘ in a topic-prominent language linear arrangement follows the scale of CD far more closely than it does in a subject-prominent language ’ .
15 Speculation that Sir Terence Conran might have been drafted into the job was inaccurate , and he had , in fact , ruled himself out of consideration as long ago as January .
16 It is instructive to begin with to compare the stones listed by the Greek naturalist and philosopher Theophrastus ( 373/ 368–c.287 B.C. ) , in so far as these can be certainly identified , with those used for the stamp seals of the Aegean world during the second millennium B.C. and the cylinder seals of Mesopotamia as far back as the fourth .
17 It is significant that judicial torture was abolished in the province of Holland only as late as 1798 , while in the generally more backward Austrian Netherlands the Emperor Joseph II had ended it , at least in principle , fourteen years earlier .
18 Yet to psychologists or physiologists in the audience , the surprise was that simply training an animal on an imprinting stimulus , or indeed any other form of learning , could produce a change of measurable magnitude at all ; they would search our experimental designs for sources of artefact just as rigorously as I myself had done with the ‘ transfer ’ experiments .
19 The particular power of LTP as a model , though , apart from the possibility of moving readily between levels of analysis even more strikingly than is the case with Aplysia , from intact organism to slice , lies in its geometry .
20 The proportion of the former who are not interested in regular working , because they have other interests or other commitments , is relatively high , although it is influenced by the level of unemployment overall as well as in the local labour market .
21 You hear the rattle of gunfire here as often as you hear cars tooting their horns .
22 The boom would have run out of steam very quickly indeed if capitalists had been forced to find extra employees to operate all the new machines .
23 He also said that ‘ it is easy to see that hunger , thirst , or the need to excrete , can produce dreams of satisfaction just as well as any repressed sexual impulse . ’
24 Last year 's activities included explanatory talks , simple construction projects , radio fox hunting , Morse instruction , radio operating with contacts as far away as Australia , USA and Japan , including opportunities for attendees to chat to the overseas operators , and experiments with a kite antenna .
25 It 's also good to see a British company doing well abroad , with exports as far afield as Europe , USA , Australia , Japan , Taiwan and even New Zealand .
26 A SNOWSTORM of money threw a city street into chaos yesterday when more than £150,000 fell off the back of an armoured car .
27 Alyssia ended up looking forward to her lunch with André far more eagerly than she had originally thought possible .
28 Hope walked back into Grasmere even more thoughtfully than he had left it .
29 In 1905 the Lytham Company , whose blue cars operated into Blackpool only as far as South Shore Station , threatened legal action unless Blackpool Corporation allowed them to operate further into town .
30 A firm conviction of the truth of all this , secure in the minds of the parents by the time the child is born , is the best insurance that the process will start with birth just as surely as does the process of feeding .
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