Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun pl] [vb base] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wide margins , the suggestions given above and colour coding during study periods make for an attractive and useful set of notes .
2 The net costs of Eagle Lodges appear for the first time in the income and expenditure account and are largely attributable to setting up costs as there was little income from occupancy during 1990 .
3 Dropping hints that an initial public offering could be on the cards , the company pointed to figures showing that the majority of software start-ups make for an IPO at between $10m and $20m of venture funding : Neuron Data is capitalised at $16m .
4 The company , it seems , has no stomach to fight religious wars any longer and has meetings scheduled with Unix System Labs this week , and the Open Software Foundation next , at which some kind of rapprochment is likely — though not an SVR4 kernel development — with product announcements set for the end of the month .
5 The organization of the state is not all social organization ; the ends for which the state stands are not all the ends which humanity seeks ; and quite obviously , the ways in which the state pursues its objects are only some of the ways in which within society men strive for the objects of their desire .
6 It is thought that this might give relief to the husband for capital gains tax for the period from when the settlement is established ( ie the court order or when the agreement between the parties was finalised ) until its termination , but the application of this section to such a situation is not wholly clear .
7 Joe thought Lord Byron , at that stage of his life , needed frog-marching around Horse Guards Parade for a week , with ragamuffin boys allowed to chuck rotten vegetables at him .
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