Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] the first world " in BNC.

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1 The Leviathan was launched in Hamburg in 1913 but was subsequently sent to the United States as part of the First World War reparations , and eventually reached the ship-breaker 's yard in Rosyth in 1983 .
2 The archetype here is Guillaume Apollinaire , special pleader for modernism before the first World War .
3 It was destroyed in 1915 during action in the First World War , then was rebuilt after 1918 to the original design .
4 Though there have always been differences between countries outside the First World , for a long time it did appear to make sense to speak of The Third World , the title of Worsley 's very influential book ( 1973 ) on the subject .
5 Both the Britons ' and the IFL literature contained lurid tales of alleged Jewish responsibility for crime , the white slave traffic , for casualties in the First World War , for corrupting public life and for financial malpractices and banking irregularity .
6 The influx of recruits after the First World War made conditions at George Square inadequate and some of the staff returned to offices in the Sheriff Court Buildings , the site of which is now occupied by the Scottish National Library .
7 But the use of aircraft in the First World War showed the potential of aerial reconnaissance for discovering and interpreting archaeological sites , and this technique was pioneered by OGS Crawford ( 1886–1957 ) .
8 Whether or not his opinions actually percolated down to subordinate commanders many of them seemed to share his beliefs about keeping the French out , or at least , in an interesting reversal of roles in the First World War , treating France as an associated rather than an allied power .
9 Einstein produced his general theory of relativity during the First World War , when conditions were not suitable for scientific observations , but immediately after the war a British expedition observed the eclipse of 1919 and confirmed the predictions of general relativity : Space-time is not flat , but is curved by the matter and energy in it .
10 A U-boat captain of distinction in the First World War , he had headed the Abwehr since 1935 and despite being a loyal German had always been unhappy with National Socialism .
11 The man is dressed in the elegant black and white of Cambridge before the First World War .
12 Domestic service was a commonplace of life before the First World War , even among the better paid working-class households .
13 The most dramatic and explosive of these changes was the devastating impact upon the social and political fabric of Europe of the First World War .
14 From then until the suspension of elections during the first world war the Labour Party ( as it now was ) and Municipal Alliance fought with roughly equal strength for municipal control , and indirectly for parliamentary seats , although for most of the time the Alliance retained power .
15 The attraction of fascism after the first World War
16 She got out as soon as she could , and found work in the weaving sheds — " she was a good weaver ; six looms under her by the time she was sixteen " — marry , produce nine children , eight of whom emigrated to the cotton mills of Massachusetts before the First World War , managed , " never went before the Guardians " .1 It was much , much later that I learned from One Hand Tied Behind Us that four was the usual number of looms for a Lancashire weaver ; Burnley weavers were not well organised , and my great-grandmother had six not because she was a good weaver but because she was exploited . "
17 Edis 's pictures — and that world — can be seen in Working of Victory : Images of Women in the First World War .
18 Again , in Ellen Ross 's study of the East End of London before the First World War , the theme of women assisting other women comes across strongly .
19 Although the popularity of the war economy lay at the root of the growth of socialism during the First World War , liberal internationalism was quick to reassert itself once the war was over .
20 The National Labour Prime Minister , Ramsay MacDonald , had campaigned against conscription in the First World War .
21 A good example of this well into the twentieth century is the evidence of the Women 's Co-operative Guild investigation into Maternity during the First World War , which found that pregnant working-class women often saved for the coming confinement by stinting on food , and there is plentiful evidence of similar attitudes earlier .
22 As can be seen in Table 1 , throughout this century there has been a large decline in private renting , and a corresponding increase in owner-occupation and council housing , which began to get under way after the First World War .
23 It seems that the tradition of working in the woodlands in this country went into decline after the First World War , when most of the skilled labour did not return .
24 He 'd been a prisoner-of-war in Germany during the First World War and as a result of his wartime experiences suffered constantly from a weak chest .
25 Therefore it was supposed that payments practices , and other institutional arrangements which change only slowly over time , have more influence on the velocity of circulation than any temporary changes in M. Before the First World War there may have been a good deal of truth in this assumption because the financial system was relatively unsophisticated and financial innovation was taking place very slowly by today 's standards .
26 The German propaganda machine — and Hitler himself in his speeches — continued , of course , to hammer home the theme that , in contrast to the First World War , Front and Heimat were indivisibly united , and the bonds between leadership and people unbreakable .
27 The panels were commissioned by James A. de Rothschild for his London house in St James 's Place when he and his wife came to live in England after the First World War .
28 New Beginnings : From Schleiermacher to the First World War
29 This has fallen into disuse , having been used as a military hospital and to sleep troops in transit in the First World War , a Sunday school , a library , and up until five years ago a store for the church gardening equipment .
30 He had started work at the age of twelve as an apprentice electrician , wiring the houses of the rich in Liverpool before the First World War .
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