Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] which they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Those who do their best but , for reasons for which they may not be to blame , are not temperamentally suited to deep involvement in the special problems of the elderly , may have other talents for caring .
2 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
3 In this book authorities are said to be limited also by the kinds of reasons on which they may or may not rely in making decisions and issuing directives , and by the kind of reasons their decisions can pre-empt .
4 These six activity books provide children who are beginning to learn English with a wide range of activities through which they can practise English grammar and vocabulary , and develop their reading and writing skills .
5 In short , capitalist states were becoming thoroughly entangled in a set of conflicts from which they could not easily extricate themselves .
6 The whole thing hidden beneath layers of ice and rock , untraceable from the air : a flexible and formidable system of defences from which they would launch their attack on the Seven .
7 This leads naturally to a review of the nature and potential of collective actors and the field of action in which they might be engaged .
8 Progressive emergence of partnership forces , combined with provisional intentions and priorities , will clear the ground for tasks and levels of partnership at which they could be set to be identified .
9 This study will examine various organisational forms of international collaboration in defence and civilian research and development ( R&D ) and attempt to formulate a set of variables with which they can be evaluated and collaboration as a form of organisation assessed .
10 Financial institutions such as building societies , banks and insurance companies bought up estate agents to build national networks of offices in which they could sell housing-related financial services .
11 The whole scene , the bar scene , the prostitution scene , the whole sex scene was enticing , shocking and , at the same time , fascinating but , above all , it was new , and they had no frame of reference with which they could measure it , ’ says Ed Behr .
12 The victims would resist more if they knew the limits of ill-treatment to which they might be subjected .
13 Members also felt the constitution was counter-productive , especially when capital projects called for an injection of cash over which they would have no control , and which was seen as improving someone else 's investment .
14 In 1341 England and France found both a cause and a theatre of war in which they might meddle further .
15 For the world of the established bourgeois was also considered to be basically insecure , a state of war in which they might at any moment become the casualties of competition , fraud or economic slump , though in practice the businessmen who were thus vulnerable probably formed only a minority of the middle classes , and the penalty of failure was rarely manual labour , let alone the workhouse .
16 Although based on research of lasting value , the draft Articles on service of documents rest overmuch on United States perceptions and would not have survived the sort of examination to which they would have been exposed at an international diplomatic conference .
17 The pressures might be conveniently categorized as follows : duties , obligations , loyalties and convictions , and arguably that is the order of priority in which they should be followed .
18 If objectives from the higher categories of Bloom 's taxonomy are included , where students are asked to make judgements , to criticise and evaluate ; and if students are given a range of objectives from which they may make their own choices and even , at the later stages of training , are encouraged to write their own , then this will go a long way to meeting this criticism .
19 There are a number of ways in which they might become interested in the subject .
20 Whites and Asians entertain a variety of ways in which they can advance , usually locating their careers in some long-term perspective and thus making security an important consideration .
21 and my Lord in relation the provisions of the Lloyd 's Act and the er byelaws that are linked into solvency and the maintenance of er , er adequate fund and the payment of policy holders , in my submission constitute the implementation of that directive and those obligations er in , er relation to the society and that is perfectly compatible with community law er it is er the states er have variety of ways in which they can give effect er to community obligations .
22 Most of all , they give us a unique insight into the quality of family relationships in later life , and the variety of ways in which they could be constructed .
23 They do n't have to hunt foxes to do that the motion , the main motion not the amendment suggests drag hunting er they could , there there my , I think it means proper drag hunting not one er to previously er l l laid out er objectives er they could race each other , they can have treasure hunts , er there are plenty of ways in which they could enjoy riding .
24 they 'd be all sorts of ways in which they could of kept the agented funds , erm they could of been , but it 's hard to imagine that , that
25 The elderly , unemployed , the less skilled , single-parent families , larger families are all concentrated in council tenure because it is the only form of tenure to which they may have easy access .
26 State administrative agencies thus feed off the results of interest-group pressure , and interest groups find in the administration multiple points of access through which they can influence the formulation of government policy .
27 And if a work as trite , foolish and offensive to women as Now , Voyager should , after 40 years , remain as watchable today as on its initial release , when equally feeble plays and novels from the same period have vanished into a limbo of neglect from which they can never be retrieved , it is a tribute less to the very questionable ‘ artistry ’ of its writer and director than to the enduring fascination of its leading actress .
28 Outside directors and company bosses disagreed most strongly over whether non-executives should help develop business strategy , and over the sort of decisions in which they should have the final say .
29 ‘ It is , perhaps , not too much to ask on their behalf for a period of calm during which they can reassert , each in his and her own way , the tradition of public service to which they are clearly dedicated . ’
30 Third , they [ the Western Allies ] respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of Government under which they will live ; and they will wish to see sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them .
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