Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] which [pron] may " in BNC.

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1 Those who do their best but , for reasons for which they may not be to blame , are not temperamentally suited to deep involvement in the special problems of the elderly , may have other talents for caring .
2 Jakobson 's answer to this argument is , however , a powerful one : all users of a language must necessarily know the system of categories into which its different elements are divided , even if only unconsciously ; and his analysis of poetry does not claim to represent what goes on in the reader 's mind , but to account for the special effect which the poetry , for reasons of which he may well be unaware , exercises on him .
3 As the right hon. Gentleman is talking about matters in which there may be joint agreement , and as he has visited Langbaurgh and Hemsworth in recent days , will he comment on the fact that both the Labour party candidates for those constituencies have invested in newly privatised industries ?
4 In this book authorities are said to be limited also by the kinds of reasons on which they may or may not rely in making decisions and issuing directives , and by the kind of reasons their decisions can pre-empt .
5 At the same time , it has permitted the formation of a more precise theory of relationships from which we may deduce evolutionary pathways .
6 Prominent among these is lack of spontaneity for which there may be a number of reasons , two of which may be characterised as ( 1 ) a high degree of vested interest , and ( 2 ) a high concern for one 's reputation .
7 These negotiations , of course , cost a supplier a considerable amount of cash for which there may ultimately be no pay-back .
8 In a sense anti-perfectionism is merely a more radical restriction of the employment of means through which one may pursue conceptions of the good .
9 If objectives from the higher categories of Bloom 's taxonomy are included , where students are asked to make judgements , to criticise and evaluate ; and if students are given a range of objectives from which they may make their own choices and even , at the later stages of training , are encouraged to write their own , then this will go a long way to meeting this criticism .
10 The elderly , unemployed , the less skilled , single-parent families , larger families are all concentrated in council tenure because it is the only form of tenure to which they may have easy access .
11 At the same time , it builds a prison-house of rhetoric from which there may be no practical possibility of escape : as later with the writings of Baudrillard , their critique , in its totalizing embrace , always seems to have a neutralizing answer to suggestions of difference .
12 By reading a wide range of literature , children become aware of new forms of discourse and modes of expression with which they may experiment in their own writing .
13 A display page containing a list of options from which one may be selected .
14 Students have the opportunity to develop areas of interest with which they may have some familiarity from secondary education but they will also experience new attitudes , techniques , materials and concepts .
15 The Timeshare Act , which provides buyers with a 14-day cooling off period during which they may withdraw from a timeshare agreement , comes into effect on 12 October ( p 99 ) .
16 To describe the positions and velocities of atoms in a polymer requires choosing a set of global axes , defining a continuum , with reference to which we may describe the positions and velocities of the atoms .
17 As well as raising ethical and moral issues , such a policy might reduce further the provision of beds in intensive care units for patients with illness from which they may recover .
18 It is in three parts and the main physical bulk takes up at least three metres of shelf space , in addition to which there may be one metre of reference books and some local information on file or cards .
19 Thus , for instance , Jeremy Lever QC in a recent article referred to ‘ the lack of recitals to United Kingdom legislation and the rule that reports of parliamentary debates are inadmissible as aids to construction , in consequence of which there may be no way in which the objects of United Kingdom legislation can be readily ascertained by our courts . ’
20 Whenever we compare two or more people , we can discover a variety of attributes in respect of which they may be equal or unequal .
21 His novels , whether for young or adult readers , are centred on boys in the process of growing to manhood : he does not probe in depth into the feelings of his young heroes , but he does develop them in relation to events in which they may play convincingly passive or active roles in the fortunes of war .
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