Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adv prt] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Triumphantly , he slapped a wodge of notes down on the polished mahogany counter , as if anxious to be rid of it , and snatching a 12 bore from the gunsmith , he strode out into the square .
2 Brilliant weather from the end of May through into June , particularly on the west coast , saw hordes of climbers up on the big mountain routes , particularly on Ben Nevis .
3 I saw parties feeding on the seed-heads of thrift in the middle of a gannet colony , on the seeds of rushes out on the windswept moors , and in my own garden where they quickly cleaned up the remaining rowan berries .
4 Sergeant Morrison put his mug of tea down on the greasy bar and turned .
5 There was the hum of cars up on the main road .
6 I can see a dark figure , a barely visible silhouette against the backdrop of trees over on the grassy knoll beyond the car park .
7 I thought of Selden out on the cold moor in this weather .
8 I thought you would Chairman , take it later I see a lot of hands up on the other side .
9 Throughout the morning on which Morse was addressing his audience in Bath , and stripping away the deceptions and the half-truths which hitherto had veiled the naked truth of the case , there was much activity at the Trout Inn , a fine riverside hostelry set between the weir and the Godstow Lock in the village of Wolvercote , only a couple of miles out on the western side of North Oxford .
10 That year saw England 's famous World Cup victory , and James Cossins recalled ‘ the difficulty of getting us all out of the wardrobe at the Duke of York 's — the only room with a TV set — in time for curtain up on the second house on the Saturday night that England won , and the fact that the cast were almost too hoarse to get to the end of the play .
11 The ‘ billow ’ or cone shape which develops in the sail under air flow couples with sweep back on the leading edges to offer a natural washout .
12 Results for 1990 , unlike so many other retailers ' , are expected to be strong , with profits up on the '89 figure of £64 million .
13 The year has been particularly difficult for the Wedgwood Group with sales down on the previous year at IR£197.3 million ( 1991 : IR£219.1 million ) .
14 It was nice to home in on the one naive sentence in a book and quote it , making the author look like a prat .
15 ‘ Registrations are running about 300 up on last year ; average prices have been £300 to £500 up on the previous year ; and our commercial customers have been taking top prices for finished Limousin crosses at markets through the UK .
16 The pound has recently traded at DM2.40 to 2.45 , 12% to 15% down on its former ERM floor and 15% to 18% down on the old DM2.95 central rate .
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