Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Earlier rate cuts are beginning to filter through the economy and the retail trade is making optimistic noises about shoppers coming back to the High Street .
2 My helpers borrowed an old flatbed truck from a farmer , along with two dozen squared bales of hay which they arranged as steps leading up to the truck .
3 ( ’ Like' for retributivists meaning alike in the intuitively appealing sense of ‘ similarly deserving ’ . )
4 Such survivals in attitude and custom , however , can not obscure the fact that the fundamental direction of European society had been for decades moving increasingly into the hands of a bourgeoisie whose assumptions were at bottom not those of aristocratic society , even if it aped aristocratic style .
5 In view of the vast size of Siberia , the relatively small numbers of Russians operating there in the seventeenth century , and the difficulty of carrying out a census of a mobile population , it seems likely that these figures somewhat underestimate the number of indigenous Siberians before the Russian conquest .
6 There 's a lot of change going on in the game at the moment , which is always a healthy sign .
7 Any tendency to increase the ratio of surface area to weight would help , for example flaps of skin growing out in the angles of joints .
8 I turn to see Lord Archer of Weston-super-Mare standing theatrically on the mezzanine above , barking into a mobile phone .
9 In Bohemia especially , with its long tradition of industrialisation stretching back to the 1830s , where there has always been a strong commitment to the idea of social equality , where the call for national equality against the Germans had a strong social context , it 's quite logical that some kind of socialist or social thought will in the end prevail .
10 As a matter of principle , the bank in such circumstances should not be entitled to rely on the transaction and this is the view which has been taken by a series of authorities going back to the beginning of this century .
11 Set on a hilltop , the old town is surrounded by seven rows of ramparts leading up to the bastion and cathedral at the summit .
12 As they moved along the route she became aware of birds singing in the trees , and of sheep grazing peacefully in the fields .
13 The fellow grinned , his yellow stumps of teeth shining garishly in the poor light .
14 So they risked all , and late one night when she heard a low whistle she rose from her straw pallet in the lower scullery and crept out of the house ; and when Tristram had climbed over the wall , she gave herself to him there on the midnight grass with the summer moon blazing down through the trees and the scent of honey wafting up from the silent hives .
15 Not raising her head , nor even starting , at the sudden clamour of birds squabbling out in the clearing .
16 There were hundreds of ropes going down to the stage below — it was a long , long way down .
17 In Al Ain , in this little patch of paradise blossoming lushly from the fertiliser of a world petroleum market , there was no problem .
18 Once , in the winter of 1983 , the snow had drifted up to ten feet around the prison walls ; teams of prisoners working virtually round the clock had been unable to keep open the single road that linked Whitely with the outside world .
19 But all the stamping and cheering in the Empress ballroom might almost have been a vain attempt to muffle the sound of hats flopping intermittently into the leadership ring .
20 The ingredients are all there : an in-house bank ; a string of obscure firms ( including the appropriately named Croesus International ) based in loosely-regulated offshore financial centres ; and blocks of money winging electronically around the world .
21 There was a hissing sound of milk boiling over on the stove behind her and she managed to twist herself sideways and grab the saucepan .
22 The primary reason for this was the large increase er in the population of Germany arising out of the reunification of country .
23 Now they were talking about perhaps four tons of bombs toppling out of the sky one morning when Dornhausen thought the war had passed it by .
24 Not a single vehicle passed , but after some time they heard the roar of bombs going off at the airfield .
25 There is another pair of climbers starting up from the same ledge .
26 Sheep bought by the Scottish Office for testing will be slaughtered in two weeks after having eaten the contaminated vegetation for around eight weeks , to give a clearer picture of the likelihood of contamination passing further through the food chain .
27 Erm and we find in the office that we get lots of forms coming in from the Paymaster General asking us to confirm that mister X is employed you know on a on a part time basis .
28 One sunny weekend at the end of April 1990 , there are forty-six would-be members of Parliament milling around in the lobby of a formless overnight stopover near Heathrow Airport .
29 And by William Lovett , remember : one of that articulate elite which attended the debates at the Rotunda ; one who , knowing full well how partial , minimal and divisive the Whigs ' proposals were , was compelled by the polarisation of opinion they induced to a course of action contributing much to the great flood of support for them ; one who was a founder of the Chartist Movement formed in the wake of the Reform Act .
30 On the short mixed ridge leading to this minor training summit , you can view an endless stream of parties coming up from the Grands Montets cablecar station for a taste of a real alpine mountaineering .
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