Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the time of writing , the comparatively low levels of public sector pay mean that schools and benefit offices in the south-east of England have difficulty in recruiting and keeping staff .
2 Use as a medicine : The repeated episodes of anxiety stimulate secretion of adrenalin and this may be used subconsciously as a stimulant .
3 Arnold Wesker 's famous trilogy of plays Chicken Soup with Barley , Roots and I 'm Talking About Jerusalem was also performed at the Royal Court .
4 Teddy Bears may not be the most active models , but their nuances of age make reproduction in wood a challenge , as George Brownlee discovered when he carved this award-winning piece .
5 Concepts of strategy introduce consideration of market forces , environmental pressures , and organizational imperatives which form the backdrop for visionary initiatives .
6 erm Quite a lot of help required in areas of the remit of this committee I would guess , things like home , security and safety , heating down here , quite a lot of people want help with heating .
7 They emphasize , however , that their results relate to the consumer-durables industries , where marketing , branding and economies of scale go hand in hand .
8 Factors that determine the choice of materials include ease of fabrication and miniaturisation , physical robustness and response stability .
9 The idea was to sit the listener in the middle of a square array of loudspeakers , so sound would come at him from all corners — despite the fact that most live performances of music take place in front of the listener .
10 It was as if he had fainted in his sleep and the recovery from the faint made the level of sleep seem reality by comparison .
11 Methods of analysis include examination of Council documents , ( excluding personal records ) , medical and lay press , interviews with key people .
12 Envy of the other sex and envy of babies go hand in hand .
13 March and Simon ( 1958 ) emphasized that both organizational pressures and lack of information characterize decision-making under uncertainty in organizations .
14 white wines generally need less maturation than reds , but expensive whites which contains lots of fruit spend time in oak — for example it is fashionable to oak New World Chardonnay .
15 Above the brick fireplace , two bronzes of horses have pride of place .
16 Discussion of task Decide purpose of task Discussion of time-scale Creation of word web using existing knowledge
17 The ITAR-TASS news agency reported on Sept. 8 that Russia had concluded agreements with Byelarus , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan , according to which Russia would assume these republics ' share of the former Soviet Union 's foreign debt in return for their portion of the Soviet Union 's assets [ for CIS March agreement on payment of ex-Soviet Union 's foreign debt p. 38824 ] .
18 NGL found that with FMS stock work in progress is now being turned over 24 times a year as opposed to the previous 3.3 times .
19 Often women in dressing gowns with cigarettes put food on kitchen tables for them .
20 Goal for sugar Reduce sugar on cereal to one and a half spoonsful .
21 There , pit latrines inside homes take pride of place , their arched entrances lavishly embellished with stone carvings .
22 That could in future go hand in hand with fewer , and smaller , nuclear tests .
23 I told him proudly he should never in future discuss money in relation to his work .
24 Just before church take gate into churchyard and follow path to kissing-gate on far side .
25 ( Peet 's class struggle index combined data on union membership , work stoppages , average wage rates , and the ‘ business climate ’ ratings of States , which in turn combine information on tax levels and legislation . )
26 cAMP-CRP and CytR in combination regulate initiation of transcription from at least eight operons that code for proteins involved in nucleoside and deoxynucleoside catabolism and transport in E.coli ( 1 ) .
27 Party members in Poland want change of name
28 The employer may find it difficult when he becomes aware of the fact that his former customers are now dealing with his former employee to prove that preparation to entice them away or enticement did in fact take place during employment .
29 Colour and contrasts in exhibits demand attention of viewer
30 They do not on the whole deny a male bias in conventional English , but they pretend to object to change on purely linguistic grounds — for instance that one should not tamper with grammar , that nonsexist forms are unaesthetic or even , as a last resort , that willed changes in language destroy freedom of thought and usher in totalitarianism .
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