Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adv] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is , none the less , important to remember that such activity was by no means simply destruction for destruction 's sake .
2 15.00 : Dictated letter for parent almost word for word as Head 's letter .
3 You can of course also book by telephone using your credit card
4 These reunite into a single large body of water just north of Altdorf , and from here the river takes on a different character .
5 The ratio of drop out rate of patients in the serotonin reuptake inhibitor group to that in the tricyclic and related antidepressant group ( odds ratio ) was calculated for each study .
6 ’ Ransom strips ’ arise in a number of situations where land for development can only be reached by crossing land not in the vendor 's or developer 's ownership .
7 The more she tries to fix her heart on God who is beyond all man can think and desire , the more she encounters an inner darkness which has " of knowyng ne felyng of loue ne likyng " ( 52.324b. – 124 ) .
8 The sums I award under the heading of accommodation therefore amount in total to fifty two thousand six hundred and fort thirty four pounds twenty eight pence .
9 The citizens of Amiens , for example , are engaged in a tireless battle to make their city a compulsory stop on the new line , a phenomenon which must be incomprehensible to the inhabitants of Kent and parts of Belgium where opposition to Channel Tunnel rail links is fierce .
10 It is not difficult to give many examples of societies where membership of descent groups is gained through women and where membership of descent groups is gained through women and where the status of women is comparatively low .
11 The Akrokorinth dominates the Isthmus region , and it is one reason why Aratos ' home city of Sikyon just west of Corinth was never more than a second-rate power .
12 Blyton Lad did n't get the best of runs when runner-up to Hamas in a Listed race at Newmarket three weeks ago , but is more effective over the minimum trip on a stiff track .
13 A large Imperial army under the Count of Wissenland is defeated at the Battle of Grunberg just south of Altdorf .
14 In this respect , the French government is right to have made the Minister of Culture also Minister of Education ( although whether they have done it for the right reasons , and with the right man is another matter ) .
15 He built a fortune in the construction industry and then moved to Highfields Stables in the village of Adstone just north of Banbury and took up training .
16 There are occasional reports in the medical journals of people not sleeping for extended periods of time when suffering from illnesses interfering with brain function .
17 Flying at around 50 feet in conditions of poor visibility the Blenheims pressed on over the sea , crossing into Germany just south of Cuxhaven and swinging south towards Bremen .
18 However , young children 's ability to develop language is extremely robust , and unless there are additional cognitive or emotional problems , children learn the language of their community even under conditions where exposure to adult input seems to be remarkably impoverished .
19 The odds ratio for drop out rate in patients receiving serotonin reuptake inhibitors compared with those receiving tricyclic antidepressants was 0.95 ( 0.86 to 1.07 ) .
20 It would seem , therefore , that the courts would have little opportunity to sentence in cases where proof of injury was not available .
21 These can be very helpful in cases where lack of muscle tone is the main reason for incontinence .
22 Appealing to employers to make special provision to enable older people to continue or , indeed , return to employment , the Ministry offered the help of its industrial rehabilitation units in cases where lack of confidence and low morale were obstacles to the re-employment of older people .
23 Lexical repetition is therefore a much safer option in cases where ambiguity of reference may arise and in contexts which do not tolerate ambiguity in general and ambiguity of reference in particular .
24 The similarities to modern Ulster vernacular are very striking to anyone who knows Ulster vernacular : lowering of /Ε/; seems to have applied in polysyllables in EModE ( as in BV ) , and there seems to have been a flip-flop , as the lowering of /Ε/; applies in environments where raising of /a/ also applies — again as in Belfast .
25 This has been the problem confronting the Catholic hierarchy in countries where devotion to shrines and alleged miracles have got a little out of hand .
26 Nuclear industry employees who work in areas where exposure to radiation is possible are given film badges to monitor their exposure to external penetrating ionising radiation .
27 New labourers came out , many from Ireland where pressure on land was unusually severe ; they came from southern Irish ports , so they could not have been directly affected by the English conquest and the Scottish settlement of Ulster at the beginning of the seventeenth century , but possibly Irish landlords felt that it no longer made sense to keep up private armies and turned men out of service for this reason .
28 He 'll be in court tomorrow morning at Enfield .
29 With respect to certain other forms of criminal sexual conduct , however , the legislation has , on the face of it , succeeded in ruling out consideration of consent altogether .
30 The solution to problem ( a ) should be relatively straightforward in economies where information on changes in the cost of living is given prominent news coverage when up to date figures become available and where labour is organized under the umbrella of trades unions with sizable economic research departments .
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