Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The magazine is now firmly established with demand for copies at an all time high .
2 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche , who was to stand for election for the first time , said that the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) might consider entering into a coalition with one of the secular opposition parties , either before or after the election .
3 Many funeral directors will submit the bill , and offer a discount for payment within a certain time .
4 One discouraging aspect of the relations between nations at the present time is that there is little indication of a decline in nationalist sentiment or in the fervour with which particular national interests are pursued .
5 The final French losses were seven ships of the line , with about 2500 men killed in action or drowned , and another four vessels , trapped in the Vilaine , unfit for action for a long time .
6 The need for insolvency at the relevant time does not apply to transactions at an undervalue entered into less than two years before the individual is adjudged bankrupt .
7 In a separate housing initiative in the north-east , plans were revealed for housing co-operatives in Grampian to build homes for rent for the first time .
8 Other policies had tended to limit equality or parity between schools at the same time .
9 Under a new law , proposed during the fifth session of the eighth National Assembly ( which convened in Hanoi on June 20-30 , 1989 ) , non-CPV members were allowed to stand as candidates for the first time .
10 ‘ If only I were married to Prince Edward ! ’ sighed Anne , by no means for the first time .
11 The focal point is the Rathaus ( town hall ) , with a fine sixteenth-century tower that dominates the many charming houses in the vicinity , and one of its most striking houses offers a reminder that the Swiss have been at the business of looking after travellers for a long time .
12 She hadgone to Banbury social services for help at the same time as her cousin Ian Barnes .
13 Some hand creams care for nails at the same time .
14 In 1786 , when Robert Burns was preparing his poetry for publication for the first time , he took his manuscript to Glenconner and read his poems to the Tennant family for their approval or otherwise .
15 But the explanation could have been phrased in a different way : it was precisely because she was pregnant that Ms Webb would be unavailable for work at the critical time .
16 You may refuse to believe it 's happened to you : some people who 've been made redundant pretend everything 's the way it was and set off for work at the same time , then spend hours hanging around the streets , teashops or libraries until they can go home at the usual time .
17 Irene Macaulay has been searching for peace for a long time .
18 If you 're off work for a long time , Abbey 's going to pay the premiums for you , until you get well again .
19 McCoist also became his club 's record scorer for Scotland at the same time when getting his 14th goal for Roxburgh .
20 Secondly , the young stranger who also passed through Godstowe at the same time — was it just a coincidence , or was he connected with the murder victims ? ’
21 Advice on time-zone transitions depends very much upon the kind of journey being made , so we consider the following possibilities : • A flight crossing only a few ( one or two ) time zones ; • A flight crossing several time zones , ( to the west or east ) and when the stop-over , before returning home , is short ; • A flight crossing several time zones to the west where there is sufficient time and need for adjustment to the new time zone ; • A flight as in the last example , but to the east .
22 The second distinction between the results here and those of Kreps and Wilson is the behaviour of play in the infinite time horizon case .
23 The problem is one of the continuing dominance of traditional models of assessment at the same time as trying to introduce other models based on quite different educational premises .
24 A smile can charm and delude us so that we accept even lies and insults — providing that they are accompanied by the expected flash of teeth at the same time !
25 Even the bookmakers lost faith in the world champion who began the event without the status of favourite for the first time in three years .
26 He could glean from each category what was happening and , of course at a convenient time , he would test the aircraft itself and then put it on line so that the bombload could be installed before mid-afternoon or early evening .
27 Of birds for the first time ever heard ,
28 Oliver gained a lot of experience in a short time , and was interested to see how brave some people were after a death in the family .
29 There is little , if any , analysis of why particular attitudes and behaviours have developed , of the ways in which cultures are related to and continuously reinforced by the wider structural position of particular groups ; the ways in which cultures can be a rational response to the social position of groups at a particular time .
30 Krauss observes another case of mass reproduction in Manet 's ‘ assembly line ’ style of the continued overpainting of a large number of canvases at the same time .
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