Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So it was that as March 1981 drew to a close , Branson telephoned Rodney Birbeck , the editor of Music Week — the trade ‘ Bible ’ of the British record industry — and invited him to lunch .
2 ( It is , by the way , exactly the implicit reference to an extraction set that distinguishes English superlatives from forms considered broadly equivalent in some other languages , for instance those designated by the same term " superlative " in Latin . )
3 Refunds will be provided at point of sale for fans unable to go to the relevant dates .
4 The Japanese Ministry of Education 's National Institute of Fusion Science says that its NEC Corp SX-3 Model 24 supercomputer successfully fulfilled all the requirements specified in the initial contract bid : the contract was concluded last June , and was the subject of a challenge by Cray Research Inc late last year , and Cray was permitted to observe the operation of the new computer ; according to the Nikkei Industrial News , Cray complained that it was unable to obtain sufficient data on hardware issues such as NEC magneto-optical installed with the SX-3 , which NEC claims are the fastest in the world , and on the ultra high-speed HIPPI channel linked to them ; on the software side , Cray said that it was not able to obtain information on the efficiency of the automatic parallelising function ; for its part , NEC announced simply that the supercomputer was in full operation .
5 These are frail reasons , but the best I can find , for canto 107 to begin with a flourish of Sicilian place-names :
6 Monthly PC sales have topped six figures for the first time , with 100,165 computers worth £111.6 million shipped in the UK during November 1992 .
7 When , shortly after Mehmed II came to the throne , he offered Molla Gurani a vezirlik , the latter is reported to have refused , saying : " Those servants and slaves who are in thy palace serve thee only that they may , in the end , obtain the office of vezir .
8 But this was by no means all consumed by the brethren in an orgy of gluttony ; most of the larger monastic records in Sussex would have shown a similar pattern , since there was a constant coming and going of important visitors and benefactors with extensive retinues .
9 Meanwhile , Lion Cavern , the Greenham winner , is by no means certain to run in the 2,000 Guineas , hence the lukewarm reaction from bookmakers .
10 A good many men came into the room by no means inclined to acquiesce in the proposed arrangement .
11 As I recall , then , it was only an hour or so after being first entrusted with the mission that I noticed the young Mr Cardinal alone in the library , sitting at one of the writing tables , absorbed in some documents .
12 She brought the case after Channel 4 hinted at a romance in their 1991 documentary on Terre Blanche .
13 Michael and the survivors from HMS Antelope reached the safety of HMS Fearless as darkness was closing in as May 23 drew to a close .
14 ‘ It was common practice , ’ he commented , ‘ for Alexander III to ride like a demon around his kingdom .
15 A ‘ no ’ vote is likely to delay the start of the EEA planned for January 1 to coincide with the launch of the EC 's single market .
16 Measurements suggest that the crossing over from production to destruction of O 3 occurs at an altitude of 28km .
17 Only Khieu Samphan failed to react positively to the Australian plan , and the Far Eastern Economic Review of March 8 described as a hopeful development the fact that the Khmers Rouges did not openly dismiss increased UN involvement .
18 To get his own back , Stroganov took advantage of the atmosphere of March 1848 to complain to the tsar of the Ministry of Education 's " liberalism " .
19 Scott 's instructions to proceed with working drawings followed on 17th March with a request for a list of builders willing to tender for the work .
20 Fearfrost was forged by the ancient khan-queen Miska of the Gospodars in the ancient days when the tribes of Kislev first journeyed to the west .
21 Nevertheless , in the Superette , these days , it 's true , the eyes of Tod Friendly linger on the bodies of the local frauleins as they tug their carts .
22 The story of Part III begins in a London suburb after he leaves grammar school and goes to evening classes :
23 Mr Bob Wybrow of Gallup reckons that year by year only about a tenth of his own time is occupied with politics , and ‘ about two per cent of the organisation 's time ’ , though of course this doubles in an election year .
24 ANIMALS in dispute over some valuable resource , like food or mates , should behave like rational humans playing games , John Maynard smith of the University of Sussex first suggested in the early 1970s .
25 It is not anyone 's wish to reduce the overall level of money available to provide for the needs of people with dementia .
26 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
27 Phillips also contradicts Clarke 's view that cuts of £28 million forced on the Science and Engineering Research Council are the result of ‘ reckless overcommitment ’ by the SERC .
28 For example , if a company has only a limited amount of funds available to spend over the next few years , centralised management would be able to take a balanced view of how the funds should be shared out between production , marketing , research and development , motor vehicles , other fixed asset purchases in different departments etc .
29 His proposals would limit Harlow 's spending to £11.20 million instead of £17.953 million budgeted by the council , and that of Castle Point to £7.97 million instead of £8.47 million .
30 The field of Old Master and modern drawings has been much less hyped than other markets and rarely sees fireworks like the world record of £4.18 million paid for a Van Gogh drawing in December 1990 .
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