Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [verb] about [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Sultanate of Oman produced about the same amount of oil in 1984 as Qatar .
2 Normal measures of drinks contain about the same amount of alcohol .
3 The inhabitants of area A of Umhausen have about the same lifetime radon exposures as one category of uranium miners in West Bohemia ; given about equal levels of lifetime exposure , the ratio of observed to expected lung cancer deaths is about the same ; and mortality from cancers other than lung cancer is not significantly raised .
4 Very roughly , a glass of beer ( half a pint in the UK ) , a small glass of wine and a standard measure of spirits contain about the same amount of absolute alcohol .
5 My uneventful watch , as we steamed slowly south , gave me plenty of time to think about the many advantages of cruising in these waters compared to other coastal areas I knew , where complex systems of buoyed channels lead the mariner through an unseen maze of shifting shoals .
6 Hence , the histamine releasing and trophic effect of gastrin on the enterochromaffin like cells show about the same concentration dependence with regard to the minimal concentration of gastrin causing maximal effect .
7 Professional families in Liverpool had about the same age at death as labourers in Wiltshire ( table 2.2 ) .
8 I think the , this is quite well illustrated by the figures on employees , where the numbers employed fell by getting on for ten percent , though our spending on employees remained about the same , partly as a result of pay increases , partly also , as a result of changes in the profile of grades of the staff at the Council , and a movement towards better staff , better paid , and then finally the saving we make each year as turnover of staff occurs , and we do n't have to pay salaries during the handover period from one person to another , that saving that has reduced because the turnover of staff has reduced .
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