Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [verb] it [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An emergency congress of the Czechoslovak Communist Party yesterday elected the former prime minister , Mr Ladislav Adamec , as chairman to guide it through free elections due within six months .
2 That is absolute rubbish and I expect the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook to condemn it as such .
3 The diversity of crime accounts for the unconvincing nature of attempts to explain it by all-encompassing theories .
4 We of course did it in nineteen eighty six , er but this year there are about fifteen hundred officers involved from fifteen different police forces .
5 Charles I sold the manor to the City of London in 1628 to raise finance , after which it changed hands several times until the Bethell family of Rise held it through most of the 17th and 18th centuries .
6 It was not long before someone threw a lump of broken paving through a window ; a dozen sets of plans followed it in short order .
7 This is a large pool , 6.5 ft by 39.5 ft , with a wide flight of steps entering it from one end .
8 The original impulse had been non-denominational , but by the late 1790s the Anglican Church was drawing apart to go its own way , fearful that Methodism especially was gaining converts and even , as the Bishop of Rochester expressed it in 1800 : " Schools of Jacobinical religion and Jacobinical politics abound in this country in the shape of charity schools and Sunday schools . "
9 The Church of Scotland bought it in 1960 for £27,500 and opened it as an eventide home two years later .
10 In 1985 , its Labour majority was bigger than that of the Tories and the people of Derbyshire re-elected it in 1989 : they are satisfied with Derbyshire county council 's policies , and when we have the general election they will kick out the Under-Secretary of State and the hon. Member for Amber Valley ( Mr. Oppenheim ) , the man with the Pampers on .
11 He had spent most of his life in England and admired both the feudal-system efficiency and military skills of the Norman knights who had administered that country since William of Normandy conquered it in 1066 .
12 One believer in the limits of law puts it like this : ‘ laws are often ineffective , doomed to stultification almost at birth , doomed by the over-ambitions of the legislator and the under-provision of the necessary requirements for an effective law , such as adequate preliminary survey , communication , acceptance , and enforcement machinery . ’
13 But it is worthwhile to reiterate that , in a sense , every book published about recent history is of value as a source and the conventional ‘ official ’ documentation does not necessarily occupy in recent history the commanding place which its comparative isolation in a sea of illiteracy gives it in earlier epochs .
14 Now there there is the scheme by the Department of Transport to upgrade it to dual it u as far to Malton and then beyond subsequently .
15 The art of management , however , was more than the successful bribery of fifty per cent plus one , if for no other reason than the fact that there was never enough of the articles of bribery to employ it on such a scale , even if the voters had been willing to be so bought .
16 The Law Lords held that this publication was protected by qualified privilege : the Council had a duty to leap to the General 's defence , and the privilege was not lost by the fact of world-wide publication , because " a man who makes a statement on the floor of the House of Commons makes it to all the world … it was only plain justice to the General that the ambit of contradiction should be spread so wide as , if possible , to meet the false accusation wherever it went . "
17 In the productivity of Lake Vanda phosphorus is a limiting element ( Vincent and Vincent , 1982 ) , because of gravitational losses into the sediment and lack of turbulence to return it to general circulation .
18 ‘ It seems a firm of accountants hired it as temporary accommodation while their offices were being refurbished and it 's due to be removed .
19 By 1961 it was fading : lack of resources kept it to four or six pages when other broadsheets were three or four times as big .
20 The emergence of current cost accounting and of efforts to apply it to public sector organizations has necessitated taking an explicit view of capital maintenance in their accounts .
21 Jackie Out of Soho reviews it in short exclamation-marked bursts
22 The latter was begun in 1617 for William and Mary White , but rebuilt in 1633 ; when the iron-founding and gentry family of Freeman acquired it in 1666 , they refashioned the interior with some of the finest stucco work in Sussex , masking the simpler tastes of its earlier owners .
23 There are also these privatization a lot of husbands and wives bought these shares of privatization had it in joint names , well that tax will have been deducted and can be reclaimed also , so er this was a change that came about with independent taxation .
24 As one exponent of individualism puts it with unusual explicitness ,
25 ’ It took quite a lot of resolution to utter it at all .
26 Recently , the society offered to give its building to New York City in exchange for a revision of status entitling it to city-provided operating funds .
27 Such tales of peasants stealing grain from one area to take elsewhere , or of refusals to supply it to hungry neighbours , were very common throughout all rural areas in 1917–18 .
28 I wrote and said that a lot of members our pension , we could n't afford it , and that we owned our own hall so therefore we had a lot of cost to keep it in good repair and why was it nine pound .
29 Only its solidity and quality of construction saved it from total destruction .
30 No academic libraries since the time of the Travelling Workshops Experiment have successfully applied the strategy and it is most unlikely that illuminative evaluation ‘ in toto ’ will ever get the opportunity to prove itself in academic user education , largely because of the lack of time to pursue it in full .
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