Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 All patients were investigated for bowel pathogens at the time of diagnosis of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis .
2 Olive was born there and might have stayed in Ireland for good but for the civil unrest created by the Irish demands for home rule at the time .
3 In the CONSENSUS II ( cooperative north Scandinavian enalapril survival study II ) an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor was given within 24 hours of myocardial infarction in addition to standard treatment and irrespective of baseline ventricular function ( though patients with clinical evidence of heart failure at the time of entry into the study were excluded ) .
4 The pointed arch was merely the most efficient form of building technology at the time ( in Stamford a pointed arch is sometimes used in medieval cellars to span the sites of earlier quarry pits ) and the undercroft at no. 13 St. Mary 's Hill was not a crypt for St. Mary 's Church , but a shop with steps giving access to the street .
5 Between 1980/81 and 1982/83 the freezing of university places at a time when the cohort of 18-year-olds was increasing led to an increase in entry standards as measured by average A-level performance .
6 On a positive note , Reader 's Digest continued to give considerable satisfaction , as it fulfilled its role of export earner at a time of dollar weakness .
7 The research was carried out for a doctoral dissertation on the princely sum of £410 per annum ( this was the ‘ married woman 's ’ rate of postgraduate grant at the time , £120 lower than the full grant ) .
8 Firstly , was that refusal to consent which was maintained throughout that period which culminated in the Caesarean section a valid refusal of blood transfusions at the time it was expressed .
9 For the years 1984–6 , the statistical authorities have published ( Indeks , 1987 , nos. 3 and 9 ) the values of exports and imports both according to the traditional method and in terms of current dinars , i.e. at the rates of exchange ruling at the time of the export or import of the goods .
10 He joins that elite group of Town stalwarts at a time when his future is uncertain .
11 Their early bargaining patterns and nature of product markets at the time bargaining developed , the willingness or otherwise of employers to form bargaining coalitions in dealing with unions , the form of divisions between unions themselves , together with the role of state policy , have been the major , identifiable forces ( ILO , 1974 ) .
12 The level of contributions had been increased sharply in recent years in order to make provision for a demographic trend whereby in the early part of the 21st century an increased proportion of the total population would be in receipt of retirement benefits at a time when the proportion in work ( and therefore contributing to the funds ) would be reduced .
13 Then into the playroom for a chat with the birds , numerous visits to the corridor to talk to the fish and feed it two grains of fish food at a time .
14 The newest waste disposers can handle up to I litre ( 2 pints ) of waste food at a time very much more quickly than the old bone-chilling ( and bone-crunching ) models .
15 This was both a matter of pride and of business sense at a time when he was making a major export drive towards America .
16 A declaration by Saudi Defence Minister Prince Sultan ibn Abd al-Aziz on a visit to Qatar in 1984 probably reflected the atmosphere of GCC deliberations at the time .
17 Mr Zivkovic , who was asked by the judge to be more polite , said : ‘ I think he is guilty if he was chief of staff of V Corps at the time of the handing over .
18 It was constructed by Telford ( q.v. ) in 1796 to carry the Shrewsbury Canal over the River Tern , and was very much a piece of engineering experiment at the time , to be carried to glorious triumph in the simultaneous building of the great aqueduct at Pont Cysyllte ( q.v . ) .
19 At the same time the Bakufu 's weakness was exacerbated by problems over the shogunal succession ; the selection of the nearest blood heir , a young boy , to succeed to the title in 1858 , highlighted the problems of Bakufu leadership at a time when the institution required all the strength it could muster .
20 This involved combining the current running costs of the plant with the cost of capital investment at the time it took place , many years before .
21 The launch on Sept. 6 , 1989 , of Soyuz TM-8 , crewed by Aleksandr Viktorenko and Aleksandr Serebrov , and its subsequent docking with the Mir space station on Sept. 8 ended three months of speculation ( fuelled by increased political and public criticism of the cost of space exploration at a time of acute domestic economic crisis ) that the Soviet-crewed space programme had been indefinitely suspended due to financial stringencies [ see p. 36636 ] .
22 To prevent failures of this order , even if success was not absolutely assured , might , other things being equal , have seemed to be within the scope of US policy at the time .
23 In discussing the stages in the manufacture of the Kentish disc brooches considerable detail was omitted because of uncertainties regarding the actual methods of jewellery manufacture at the time .
24 As a result , TECs generally had to make cuts in the number of providers of employment training at a time when there was a growing need for such investment .
25 The bishop was headmaster of Winchester College at the time that Ramsey 's brilliant brother Frank was a scholar .
26 The main method of alkali manufacture at the time was that of Nicolas Leblanc , which had the defect of pouring into the air large quantities of hydrogen chloride gas , a pollutant of extreme severity .
27 What I have advocated is possible and not just a dream , but it would be remiss of me not to consider the nightmare scenario of colliery closures at a time when we are increasing restructuring grants by £1,000 million .
28 Provided one remembered that a poll was simply a snapshot of voting intention at the time it was taken and that national polls should have a sample of at least 1,000 , one would not go far wrong .
29 Tumour recurrence can be the result of incomplete resection of the primary lesion , presence of satellite nodules at the time of primary resection , tumour seeding along needle biopsy track or genuine de novo tumour recurrence .
30 The sale of Vernons , generally viewed as a reflection of cash-flow difficulties at the time , can now be seen as yet another example of Sangster 's far-sightedness , in part encouraged by expectations of a national lottery in Britain .
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