Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] a [adj] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nor did they make any serious efforts to derive income from a huge fixed asset , which was used for only a few hours a week .
2 The first is to design and construct local services for the majority of mentally disordered people who live in their own homes and who may use mental health services for only a few weeks every few years .
3 There is even a special plan which enables you to insure your repayments — in case of illness , an accident or redundancy — for just a few pounds a month .
4 The completed portraits now hang in the Quaderia dell'Ospedale Maggiore , and can be seen on occasions , for just a few weeks every other year as a rule .
5 Observations of predatory fish attacking spiny prey reveal that after one experience of even a non-poisonous species the predators are so shocked by the pain inside their mouths that they go off their food for days .
6 He says the course is really tight and they reach speeds of over a hundred miles an hour .
7 These three decisions alone show the cutting-edge of semi-literacy winning over the high cultural standards that the BBC is supposed to stand for , and indeed the justification — the only one — for the subvention of over a billion pounds a year from the British taxpayer .
8 A typical training programme usually takes the form of a series of workshops , sometimes in a residential setting , lasting around three days with perhaps a follow-up day a few months later .
9 It is possible to paint with quite a small brush the details of shadows and shapes of clouds — in fact more so than is generally accepted .
10 Even if we did something like jumble sale clearance , and get people 's old clothes , you could sell that for about a hundred pounds a ton .
11 Within only a few years the company was exporting its products to central Europe , Russia and the US .
12 In only a few moments the sheets , the bedding , all drenched .
13 In just a few cases the bonds that lie behind these transactions have survived , which show how his loans were arranged and secured .
14 In just a few days the centre will be a hive of activity .
15 The early response has not been enthusiastic , though aides insisted yesterday that for many households the new tax bills would amount to only a few dollars a month .
16 To quite a large extent the interests of parasite genes and host genes may coincide .
17 For quite a long time the prevailing view among economists had been that money does not affect the relative prices of commodities , but that it does determine the overall price level .
18 Indeed , during almost a thousand years the only important legislation concerning English highways was a statute dating from the reign of Edward I. It required lords of manors to supervise the felling of trees and undergrowth up to 200ft on both sides of any ‘ highway ’ that led from one market town to another .
19 The company decided to put all it 's litigation work , worth over a million pounds a year , out to tender .
20 Driver Helen Challoner who was passed by bike and car estimated their speed at around a hundred mills an hour and said there was no more than a car 's length between them .
21 Afterall a good horse will cost you a fortune to buy … and then having it trained and ridden by the best will set you back at least a thousand pounds a month …
22 DOZENS more East German refugees arrived outside the West German embassy yesterday seeking asylum and passage to the West , including some who missed by only a few minutes a train that took more than 800 of their compatriots to West Germany .
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