Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Communist Party could apparently hope for little from the Socialist League and for nothing from the Labour Party .
2 I mean they , people er , the hairdresser 's for instance , they seemed to be there for evermore at the far end , towards I mean er , er , and then there was half way along on the other side and
3 Yet it is hardly likely that even if links had been made a ramshackle group of peasant armies using antiquated military techniques could have stood out for long against the Red Army .
4 15 She had good reason to suspect that it would , for long before the 1924 show opened , she had decided to try to convince the critics to change their ideas about her work by changing the nature of what she exhibited .
5 Finally , it should be noted that high U/Pb does not survive for long in the convecting mantle ; otherwise the magnitude of Pb isotopic heterogeneity in basalts would be greatly increased .
6 This fantasy world of natural lust , ironically , can scarcely ever have been more closely realized than in the appalling conditions of the urban poor in the sordid back streets and alleys of prosperous Victorian cities ; but it could not , of course , be permitted to endure for long in the theoretical world .
7 The simple fact that it 's not an adequate form of research does n't count for much in the commercial field .
8 I knew the course because of playing it in my army days , and I knew where the worst of the rough was , but that did n't count for much after the first day .
9 Various groups act as social as well as literal gatekeepers to the rewards which rural England has to offer , and visitors are allowed through only on a selective basis .
10 The Bishop Auckland inquest heard the accident happened soon after 10.30pm on an unlit stretch of the Redworth road .
11 The goal came after midway through the second half
12 ‘ Then what are you doing out here in the first place ? ’
13 stopped at the tea rooms after completely over the top ordering .
14 No no , not really , not , not between not between a married couple no .
15 There was a case in Lothian last year where the health board objected to the conversion of somewhere into a 75 bed registered nursing home and they lost it on appeal .
16 I mean I do that with a , you know when I 'm sort of on about a long delivery talk about
17 Something else you become very aware of all over the Basque country is the bracken .
18 The first order condition ( 16 ) representing the WD curve is affected by the altered distribution of only through the median member 's ‘ reputation-commitment ’ term , .
19 This means that ‘ organizational assessment is best conceived of not as a one-shot affair , but as an ongoing process ’ ( Miles , 1980 , p. 380 ) .
20 The Minister promised that this order would be taken care of shortly after the new year .
21 ‘ But I see no reason for him to be hounded from office for endeavouring to restructure the BBC to meet the needs of tomorrow rather than the needs of yesterday under the thinly-veiled guise of impropriety. ’ — PA
22 Out in the yard , Alejandro had turned from the charming rogue of yesterday into a roaring tyrant , bellowing instructions to all the boys .
23 Nevertheless , there 's a fundamental distinction made by most authors that um y'know kind of up to a certain age involving kids in sexual relations with adults is abusive because of the discrepancy in power , because of the discrepancy in physical size , because of a whole range of social discrepancies .
24 The Pompeian house does , of course , only depict the Roman home of up to the first century A.D. and in later years , as can be seen at Ostia , the plan was developed .
25 The the tables are very erm old fashioned wooden ones and sort of you know how you get your legs under sort of well like a bottom lip .
26 He explained : ‘ It 's great to clatter the bowling about when you get the chance , but I do n't want to be thought of simply as a big hitter .
27 We can but suppose that he practised the middle-class virtues of Samuel Smiles — those of hard work , thrift and sobriety — and embodied the very quintessence of what we would speak of today as the Protestant Work Ethic .
28 But I was still far too young to venture out in the world ; it was unheard of even for an older girl to leave her home and family and become independent .
29 I assumed you 'd want to know that wreckage of a dinghy was washed up a few miles north of here on the Welsh coast last night .
30 If you do n't believe in religion , you might think that er , the world was just kind of here for no particular reason , and er , that human existence was just a kind of accident or something happen happened , and er , has no has no greater significance .
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