Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] are [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 A great majority of them are looking for the theatre of books , and it is not there .
2 Little wonder , really , that right now the two of them are looking for the time of their life with someone of their own age .
3 Legislative power is vested in the bicameral Federal Assembly ( Federalni Shromazdeni ) , which consists of a 200-member Chamber of the People ( Snemovna Lidu ) and a 150-member Chamber of the Nations ( Snemovna Narodu ) , both of which are elected for a five-year term .
4 In the Kingdom of Denmark legislative authority is vested jointly in the monarch and in a unicameral parliament ( Folketing ) , the 179 members of which are elected for a four-year term .
5 Brahe complies , and they enter into a description of the accelerator and the experiment , the details of which are covered for the reader ( not for them ) by the engine noise :
6 The Accademia 's curator Annalisa Perissa Torrina has compiled detailed notes on each of the 221 drawings now in the Accademia and has identified the original sources of the reproductive drawings , 124 of which are reproduced for the first time .
7 It is quite obvious that if all of you are going for the same niche in the marketplace , as is happening increasingly at present , then it will be a highly competitive situation where you will have to rely even more than usual on the superiority of your own skills or technology to bring you through .
8 Now we learn that tampons are not classed as medical appliances and therefore not subject to the same stringent government legislation on manufacture and sterility which applies to say condoms which when you come to think about it are destined for the same anatomical region .
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