Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] for a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ After the defeat at Bramall Lane they had the biggest hammering they 've had off me for a long time .
2 For it seemed to her then that he was aware that her thoughts were troubled and , when he had no need whatsoever to put himself out , he had decided to take her mind off them for a brief while .
3 They do n't pay me much , but I 'm looking about me for a good opportunity .
4 The implied criticism hung in the air between them for a few moments .
5 Silence fell between them for a few steps , then he said , his tone slightly different , ‘ I 've heard on the grapevine that you came to Glasgow from Heymouth , and that you were involved in the disaster there last August . ’
6 ‘ She has worked for me for a long time .
7 Sister said she had no work for me for a few minutes , so I could direct traffic for her whilst she had a few words with Dr Jones .
8 I 've been after them for a long time and I 'll get them for this . ’
9 If the wife is unable to take a nap in the afternoon when the children are napping , then possibly there is someone who could look after them for a few hours at least one day a week for her to regain her strength .
10 She 's going to look after them for a little while
11 You could decide to work at a time when your partner or a friend is round to see the baby , or arrange for someone — a childminder or relative — to look after her for a few hours each week .
12 Snappy bounded after her for a few yards , then scampered away to follow his mistress .
13 No , yeah I 'll come with you , you go off and stay with Joyce , look after her for a little while and let Kenneth sort things out !
14 I remember at the time Wilko saying how he though Kerslake was an excellent buy , and how he 'd been after him for a long time .
15 The probation found a little stray dog called Benjy for me and I looked after him for a little while , but my money kept on going down and down and down .
16 been round there once or twice after him for a different thing .
17 I looked after him for a few days before he died . ’
18 We stood and stared after him for a few seconds , then one of the mortar team behind me remarked .
19 Dora glared after him for a few seconds before turning away and striding across the garden towards the orchard .
20 Attracted by my outcry , the thing was flopping towards me for a closer look .
21 The lead fisherman wore shades ( ever see fish wearing glasses ? ) for the bluesy number and got rid of them for a rappy tune ( thank God ! ) .
22 There was sand everywhere between the knee-high crags , so I climbed on one of them for a better view .
23 Some people have felt that this borrowing from Dorothy and others shows a certain egotism on Wordsworth 's part , but it was his method as an artist to absorb things into himself , and think of them for a long period before writing them down ; nor is it necessary to maintain , in any case , that the ‘ I ’ of a Wordsworth poem is necessarily the poet himself — it may stand as a universal shorthand symbol with which the reader can equally identify .
24 I have n't seen one of them for a long time
25 ‘ I have n't done any of them for a long time .
26 I have n't had one of them for a long time .
27 Could do with one of them for a long time , could n't I ?
28 ‘ It has two rooms and she is willing to let your client move into one of them for a short period .
29 Further inquiries , by the CIA , had established that these digital electric timers were prototypes , unique to Meister et Bollier of Zurich , who had made 20 of them for a Libyan intelligence organization in 1985 .
30 That is an inadequate answer , given that more than a year ago there was a severe weather crisis throughout the country , especially in the east midlands district where 2 million people were without supplies , some of them for a considerable period .
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