Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] of the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 STOCK broking analysts are about to start making choices about which of the 10 water authorities being floated in early December are worth investing in .
2 If both cooperate ( with each other , not with the authorities ) by refusing to speak , there is not enough evidence to convict either of them of the main crime , and they receive a small sentence for a lesser offence , the Reward for mutual cooperation .
3 Second , the court held that marriage as an institution is , by definition , the association of someone of the male sex with someone of the female sex , gender having no relevance .
4 Central to those ideals had been — at least since 1922 when Tawney published his Secondary Education for All — the extension of secondary schooling ( although , less precisely , not all of it of the grammar-school variety ) to the whole of the population .
5 What price a higher handicap for those of us of the bow-legged persuasion .
6 The limitations in the work and conclusions of those of us of the older generation , may soon be painfully obvious if , in the future there will be an increase in the scale of the work and more opportunities for effective scientific study .
7 A six-footer behind some-one of the same size in the driver 's seat would have to sit in a splayed knees/bent neck posture .
8 Second , the court held that marriage as an institution is , by definition , the association of someone of the male sex with someone of the female sex , gender having no relevance .
9 In the absence of an analysis of heterosexism , heterosexuals can ( and do ) reduce our gayness or lesbianism to just living with someone of the same sex , thus enabling them to remove the possibility of challenge from our relationships with them .
10 When you decide to get married , fix yourself up with someone of the old school , not one of those feminist flibbertigibbets of the kind Jim and I have landed ourselves with — undomesticated , never there , eyes set on further career mountains to be climbed .
11 Yeremi found himself thinking passionately of that anonymous slave abandoned in the pitch-dark tube , with none of the superhuman muscle power of a Scout to help him , and fetters to mock his efforts .
12 The Tuesday morning was overcast and dull with none of the compensating crispness that had helped Forester to crawl back to an alert state on previous days .
13 The DACs give the function OUT1/SCALE to scale each half cycle to the same magnitude , which is said to provide a 20dB increase in loudness , subjectively , with none of the usual speech compression problems .
14 Patients with none of the five risk factors had a four week healing rate of 82.7% ( 95% CI 77.7 , 87.7% ) whereas those with two of the five risk factors had four week healing rates ranging from 50.0% to 64.9% ( Table IV ) .
15 Wilson himself at his first meeting with President Johnson seems to have struck the right note with his claim that his was a forward-looking government with none of the imperial nostalgia of its predecessor .
16 Wave power was ‘ back at square one ’ with none of the present crop of devices ‘ ready to go to large-scale trial ’ .
17 I had discovered in Egypt what seemed like a different religion : a thing of unimaginable heights and depths , of light and shadow with none of the vertiginous darkness of which Lili had spoken .
18 It was gentle , with none of the strident accent which would have been more in keeping with the circumstances .
19 Their world-view was essentially animatistic : every living thing and every outwardly inanimate thing too was a part of the living cosmos , and therefore imbued with something of the divine spirit .
20 He admired the company 's pre-war products — efficient little sports cars with something of the modern Lotus spirit about them — more than any other car , and for a long time he used Astons on the road .
21 But when Graham left later , with something of the earlier benignity still binding him and Phoebe together , he had asked ,
22 Unfamiliar , clearly posed , these problems are made accessible not quite as history nor yet as fantasy but with something of the acceptable plainness of fairy tale challenges .
23 Access to entry text is controlled by the Entry and/or Lemma tables which enable the required entry and its current version to be identified , and by the Range table , which specifies in which of the 40 Text tables the material is to be found .
24 In this present study undertaken blind , IS900-PCR detected M paratuberculosis in one third ( six of 18 ) of long term broth cultures of intestinal tissue from Crohn 's disease patients and in a single ( one of six ) non-inflammatory bowel disease control culture but in none of the ulcerative colitis cultures ( nil of seven ) .
25 He was therefore as vital a figure as Salisbury , and in something of the same way : Salisbury was the link between the anti-coalition forces outside the government , and Law was the link between anti-coalitionists outside and critical Unionists within .
26 Because Pound was not a combatant , and because he resolutely resisted making easily patriotic and self-righteous gestures ( this is what Homage to Sextus Propertius is about , very largely ) , the impact upon him of the First World War is under-estimated .
27 The distinctive moods of the rich and various landscapes which crowded near to Stowey were becoming for Coleridge almost a reflex of his own moods and thoughts — the broad uplands of the Quantock Hills a counterpoint to the speculative power of a mind ‘ habituated to the vast ’ , the lowland villages an expression for him of the loving companionship of friends and family , the hidden dell , where the voice of nature sounded in the waterfall , a retreat by turns comforting and mysterious to serve his recurrent longing for escape .
28 There are many possible ways in which one may incur tortious liability through the instrumentality of an animal under one 's control , but the fact that the agent happens to be animate rather than inanimate is immaterial , for while the common law , like other legal systems , developed special or additional rules of liability for animals , it did not deny the applicability to them of the general law .
29 It is not so much that those buyers who actually consume the Qm units are having to pay the higher price Pm for them , since the higher price represents the value to them of the marginal unit bought .
30 This may well have been due to the satisfaction he had been deriving from the composition of East Coker , though he made no mention to me of the new poem .
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