Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be [vb pp] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Amongst them are found the last adepts of controlled altered states , out-of-the-body experience , psycho-navigation , environmental wisdom and time-honoured alternative methods of giving birth , healing , living and dying .
2 But it was getting out of those beta-waves , down into the alpha-waves and into what is called the fifth state of consciousness — the healing state — that was so difficult .
3 Leaving Joy to help Miss Prescott with what are called the last offices ( Joy is also a trained nurse ) , Alan and I went back to the house and between us brought the coffin down from the loft .
4 The monomers then redistribute so as to restore balance in what is termed the first relaxation .
5 For sinners , the death-bed was the stage on which was played the last act of the impending tragedy .
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