Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] that [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A lot of them that came to the g to the gathering To the sports they would stay over just for the sake of getting the dance .
2 He was not in any sense a vain man , but he had a conceit of himself that came from the knowledge that he dominated every quarter that he occupied .
3 I stopped in a little restaurant and ordered a hot dog by pointing at a picture of one that hung over the greasy counter .
4 He had given a more or less lucid report of everything that happened after the moon rose .
5 Much useful research can originate from the idea that just turns up , the hunch or the observation of something that happens in the street which triggers off a line of thought .
6 But even worse than this neglect of anything that happened outside the courts of Europe was the way that political history was distilled into a narrative , based on whatever literary evidence was at hand .
7 Leeds boss Howard Wilkinson whose own title defence is in tatters , admitted : ‘ There are eight or so teams up there , but there is no indication that any of them are putting together the kind of run that looks ominous ‘ Blackburn showed the sort of confidence against us that comes from the feeling that you have got a chance .
8 Huy wondered if the community which was supporting Surere was less one that adhered to the New Thinking in secret than one which simply shared his sexual habits .
9 Faced with these challenges we almost had to come up with something that broke with the past .
10 The real treat of the evening , however , is their version of Bowie 's ‘ She Shook Me Cold ’ where poppy nostalgia is transformed into something that sounds like the soundtrack for a Kenneth Anger movie .
11 At times , he seemed to have to cope single-handedly with everything that came from the Opposition .
12 The declared results remind us more readily of the spoiled world of Genesis 3 than those of Genesis 1 or 2 : ‘ The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth , and upon every bird of the air , upon everything that creeps on the ground , and all fish of the sea ’ ( 9.2 ) .
13 His journals , which he has published at regular intervals ( the fourteenth volume appeared recently in France ) bear witness to the enormous interest he takes in everything that happens in the world outside him , and to a human being scornful of bourgeois conformity , almost an anarchist , and a convinced pacifist .
14 One final passage from Myself My Two Countries vividly evokes the influences which formed Boulestin 's tastes in food and implanted in him that feeling for the authenticity which alone is true luxury .
15 As soon as her mind registered what it had seen she jumped away from the car door , a scream issuing from her that cut through the night air .
16 It is so different from anything that happens in the islands today .
17 There was a cold elegance about him that contrasted with the brashness of the others .
18 There are three themes which stand out to me that run throughout the book that are all in some way or other interlinked .
19 These etchings were produced with a detailed traditional technique , but during the next twenty years his style altered radically to one that verged into the art nouveau school .
20 Boglins — Various , from small , £1 , to one that glows in the dark , £30 .
21 John was unlike anyone Anne knew with his views on everything that happened in the world .
22 Her forehead had small beads of sweat on it that glistened in the lamp light .
23 It is a sensitive area , well placed for keeping an eye on anything that happens in the Thames , and , seaward , in the North Sea .
24 It would have had a beginning in the big bang , about fifteen billion years ago , and it would come to an end for a star that collapsed and for anything that fell into the black hole the collapsing star left behind .
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