Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The roles of parents and children gradually become reversed and children start to look after their parents and worry about them instead of the other way around .
2 And , gulping the sweet air , I gazed about me gratefully at the clean green land where I worked and made my living .
3 She was already getting fed up with the hospital , and could n't wait to take her twin boys back to the large nursery waiting for them upstairs in the medieval castle that was now the family home .
4 ‘ It ca n't have been easy for them either over the past week , not knowing who they 'd be playing . ’
5 He was at peace with her while he reasoned and thought before speaking ; and the lengthening silence had neither weight nor tension , but lay between them gently like the comfortable warmth of a fire .
6 In these establishments , where one stays because there is no choice , the food is of a mediocrity , a predictability redeemed for me only by the good bread , the fresh eggs in the omelettes , the still relatively civilised presentation — which in Paris is becoming rare — the soup brought to table in a tureen , the hors d'oeuvre on the familiar , plain little white dishes , the salad in a simple glass bowl .
7 Passengers and passers-by alike found its wide , illuminated photographs of mouth-watering meals irresistible — though at a cost ( in 1980 ) of nearly £½million , Casey Jones was obviously going to pay for himself only at the busiest venues .
8 When they get hold of me twice in the one day you say hang on I 've just given to you the bus !
9 I hope there will yet be occasion to make use of them again in the same cause , even if we must wait now for a better opportunity .
10 Had kept all of them just for the proud thrill of his in truth rather badly formed hand .
11 Eggs so comma but all of them just before the last one .
12 When industries were first nationalized , many of them immediately after the Second World War , the government had two concerns .
13 It was too late for any of them apart from the Asian couple .
14 The power of the platform 's weapons and the threat they posed was enough to give anyone pause for thought , but now they appeared somehow more lethal because they were unseen — concealed behind gunports which had been engineered to such fine tolerances that Rostov could detect no hint of them anywhere on the curved metal skin .
15 Although initial studies focused on three area , all of them parallel to the existing runway , consideration is now being given to a non-parallel alignment .
16 Still , he created two characters in The Lord of the Rings of particular suggestiveness , both of them originally on the right side but seduced or corroded by evil , and so especially likely to have analogues in the real world : these are Denethor and Saruman , each of them seen faintly satirically , almost politically .
17 The readership questionnaire recently carried out raised a lot of comments ( of which more in the next issue ) .
18 I hope to see most of you personally over the next few weeks but if I do n't then can I say ‘ Thanks ’ and ‘ All the Best for a healthy and prosperous future . ’
19 " How strange it is , " mused Fleury , feeling the futility of everything yet at the same time enjoying the feeling , " that these millions of wings , with all their wonderful machinery of nerves and muscles , should be made to serve the purpose of a single flight .
20 There was a flicker of something else in the shadowy gaze now .
21 One is to a large extent the consequence of something deep in the Greek character .
22 When Pound revised and expanded this to make The ABC of Reading ( the title is still a misnomer ) , he winkled out of it most of the anti-Englishness that had been present in the first version , when Pound was still smarting from what he took to be England 's rejection of him eight years before , in 1920 .
23 Yes , we heard of it even on the same day .
24 On the other hand Nova Cygni 1975 , which rose to magnitude 1.8 in only a few hours , dropped below naked-eye visibility in less than a week , and by now I have lost sight of it even with the 39-cm reflector in my observatory .
25 God knows how much there still is down there ; I 've seen great stacks and bales of it still with the Royal Navy markings on it , and I 've dreamed up any number of ways of getting at it , but short of tunnelling in from the shed and taking the cordite out from the back , so that the bales looked untouched from the inside of the cellar , I do n't see how I could do it .
26 Described as a giant phallic symbol in the guidebook , I thought of it more as the Fickle Finger of Fate .
27 Nor for the moment can I think of anyone else in the entire Administrative Grade of the Civil Service who does .
28 But it helps to give the band our own sound , and I ca n't think of anyone else in the whole world that 's doing it . ’
29 But I did n't think of anything else since the first moment I laid eyes on you , either . ’
30 There 's a slide projector at the back of the hall which I can control from the front so I may be aiming to get some slides for you instead of the overhead projector .
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