Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Between them life at the Minoa is never boring !
2 After the hearing , Miss Lamplugh said : ‘ I did not actually think about my sister at the time .
3 Having by then disposed of public affairs , he asked me about my work at the LCC school .
4 ‘ Only the other day I was at the vicarage , seeing Mrs Ainger about my stall at the bazaar-I 'm doing the fancy work this year , you know — and there was pussy , bold as brass , if you please , walking into the lounge as if she owned it . ’
5 During my time at the DHSS I met over the table with three Chief Secretaries and , I have to admit , had battles with them all .
6 During my time at the Centre , the strict vegan , detoxifying diet was recommended for three months as a minimum ; only after that should one go to the ‘ stay well diet ’ which does allow a little fish and eggs .
7 Every moment of Rainbow 's existence during my time at the Fair has been tracked , recorded , docketed and programmed for easy-edit , so I am able to wipe , play-back , freeze-frame or skim fast over the boring bits .
8 Because I was so small , I had several dangerous accidents during my stay at the palace .
9 Er and and just going through my mind at the moment
10 There have been several times when I was tempted to try and get in touch and apologise for my attack at the time of Simon 's death . ’
11 I can assure you that did less than nothing for my morale at the time .
12 I 'll pay for my ticket at the box-office . ’
13 Eleanor Darcy told me I was welcome to call her if necessary ; if I needed any further factual details for my Lover at the Gate .
14 err that 's about it for my curiosity at the moment .
15 By the time I 've paid for my room at the YWCA and bought all the make-up and clothes I need there never seems to be anything left over .
16 They ask me how much I paid for everything I was wearing , how much I pay for my room at the pension , how much salary I shall be getting at the university — a salary to me ridiculously small , little more than pocket-money , but for the majority of working-class Spaniards a fortune .
17 The request that I should receive a consignment of most , if not all , of the issues was obviously impossible to meet ; and although I should much like to have had the ‘ run ’ of Eliot 's bookcase for an afternoon , I felt I could not seek permission , so soon after my arrival at the school , to go to London for that purpose , so I told Eliot that half a dozen well-spaced numbers would suffice for me .
18 Those who were cured after their night at the sanctuary were permitted to record their dreams and commemorate their recoveries on votive tablets , some of which have survived to this day .
19 Is n't it true , for example , that after their humiliation at the Bay of Pigs — an ideal mixture of cock-up and conspiracy — certain American and Cuban extremists began to think very ill of JFK ?
20 A terrace for open-air teas looks towards the award-winning British Tioxide white garden , re-created here after its success at the Gateshead Garden Festival .
21 ‘ Aunt Louise , that letter of Celia 's , what was the little bit of writing beneath ‘ Dear Mother ’ , and the bit after her name at the end ? ’
22 And millions of viewers saw her work 24 years after her death at the age of 81 .
23 When his effects were sent back to Forres , John Keith said little but took the medals his son had won in battle and late at night , after his session at the Mason 's Arms , walked to the Mill pond and threw all four of them in , ribbons and all .
24 In 460 , two years after his success at the Pythia , Arkesilas achieved the crown of human ambition by winning the chariot-race at Olympia , fulfilling Pindar 's prayer at the end of the Fifth Pythian .
25 After his death at the age of ninety-four on 2 November 1950 , following a fall in his garden , his will was recognised to be a great public-spirited document .
26 After his death at the hands of a Skaven assassin in 1152 the Elector Counts failed to reach a decision as to who should be the new Emperor .
27 Around the choir is a wooden bas-relief depicting the flight in 1620 of Frederick of the Palatinate to Warsaw after his defeat at the Battle of the White Mountain .
28 Having been a hostage among the Huns himself , he had called in Hunnic troops to support the usurper Joannes in 425 ; he fled to them after his defeat at the hands of Boniface in 432 ; and he was probably behind their destruction of the Burgundian kingdom in the mid-430s .
29 Two years after his appointment at the Chelsea Garden , Miller played a major part in producing The Gardener 's and Florists 's Dictionary .
30 The occupation did nothing except to fuel the sense of outrage the Italians felt about their treatment at the hands of the older powers .
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