Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [is] [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Like Eliot 's sharply witty version of this paradox : The wounded surgeon plies the steel That questions the distempered part ; Beneath the bleeding hands we feel The sharp compassion of the healer 's art Resolving the enigma of the fever chart , the meditator in the short text exclaims : But the force of this metaphor of healing is lost , together with the lyrical cadences of alliteration , in the long version : This existentially known contrast between the body of death through which is encountered the possibility of life is at the heart of Christian mysticism itself experienced in playing the game of faith which renews the truth of the Incarnation .
2 erm One of them is called the Teaching Company Scheme , in which partners from universities and manufacturing companies get together to tackle problems with the objective of increasing manufacturing performance in some area .
3 And they give you you get four keys and one of them is called the chauffeur 's key
4 One of them is called the Alamo and in 1836 became one of the shrines , not only of Texan history , but of the history of the United States .
5 Roith is particularly proud of what is called the teaching company scheme .
6 Later , when the infant becomes capable of relating to whole objects , such as the mother instead of just the breast , it develops more integrative mechanisms in terms of what is called the depressive position .
7 Many calculations have been made of what is termed the chain modulus from the force constants such as those in Table 1.2 .
8 This region is threaded along what is called the path of stationary action , since the latter is by definition the path from which small changes of trajectory produce negligible changes of action .
9 Hypnosis takes place in what is called the Alpha state ( the subconscious mind ) .
10 In what is called the Coriolis effect , the northward moving sea water is pushed to its right , while the southward fresh water moves to its right .
11 They had a very good sense of humour and could tell long sophisticated stories in what is called the spaccato , the real dialect of Parma .
12 Around this swathing , for about two-thirds of the length of the trunk from the hips upward , were several turns of a well-made twisted cord , fastened in what is called the half-hitch , in good preservation . ’
13 and then nearly next door to the conservative club , the chap that 's hiring the minibus from us is called The Horse Fayre Tavern .
14 And in all of them homosexuality echoes Augustinian privation — the more pernicious for being deeply , inherently inadequate , a kind of non-being and inauthenticity : an inimical absence which provokes paranoia and on to which is projected the fear of difference inherent within sexual difference .
15 A thin layer of cooked cold porridge is spread in the bottom of the tub to which is added the microworm starter culture .
16 Each policeman is supplied with a police court attendance card , on which is recorded the date of all attendances at police court in connection with charges or summonses , and each entry has to be initialled by the officer in charge of the station .
17 There is a very large map at the Northamptonshire Record Office dated 1760 on which is marked the occupant of each premises in Brackley proper .
18 Now the major emphasis needs to shift to what is called the supply side , and this change in emphasis is the last selective measure the Government should take .
19 We are as but fleas on the camel of eternity , and yet to us is given the vision , the revelation and the power .
20 The road , resumed south from Wolhusen , leads in 8km ( 5 miles ) to the pretty village of Entlebuch through what is called the Entlebuch valley , although the river which actually traverses it is the Little Emme river referred to above .
21 On the one hand , ‘ family life ’ , by which is meant the life of the nuclear family , is much praised in government statements .
22 For that reality too may be reinterpreted philosophically as an illusion , a world of appearances , what Schopenhauer calls " the veil of maya " , interposed between ourselves and the ultimate reality — by which is meant the ground of being , the primordial oneness or unity of all individual things .
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