Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb base] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many elderly people do this each year if it is not suitable for them to go away with their family , and they understand the need those who are caring for them have for a complete break .
2 The general postulates of each theory have , however , much in common : the contrasts between them depend on the phylogenetic features brought to the varying ecological conditions of life in which the animals live .
3 Growth is a desperate necessity for China and India , which between them account for a third of the global population , and other developing nations .
4 Er I do a plug the alb of the album Midnight Postcards we call it , I 'm plugging that now until Christmas , promoting that er on television and radio , and I er in between I go on a short holiday to Africa and then January I start Alfie until May , and then I think I 'm gon na do a T V movie or a movie in June July , and then in end of July I go to America for four four till the end of November with Alfie .
5 John o' Groats is commonly but wrongly regarded as the most northerly tip of the country and because of this popular misconception attracts many visitors , most of whom come for no better reason than to be able to say they have been there and , having satisfied this ambition , turn round and return south .
6 The experts who study child abuse — most of whom come from the medical and psychological professions — tend to adopt a rather different approach .
7 The big question now is whether Communist MPs , most of whom come from the old school , will apply for membership of the new party .
8 The 450,000 employees , 300,000 of whom work in the postal service , are unhappy .
9 As o through some of the possible problems , check back to see which of them apply to the slack parts of your own writing .
10 Most of them are opportunists , most of them come from the local area they 'll know the housing estates and whatever happens .
11 The point is — and our survey reveals it — that such an amount does deter some youngsters from participating in tournaments and again with respect , I would guess that few of them come from the lovely part of the country from where you write .
12 Begonias are particular favourites and a gaggle of them gather on the paved area near the front door resplendent in pink , scarlet and yellow .
13 Erm all that sort of leads me back to where I started from , our perception of this survey is that it 's encouraging in the sense that it suggests that the recovery in the economy is erm widening and deepening if you like , it 's widening in the sense that it 's spreading to all the mainland regions of the U K and it 's deepening in the sense that erm firstly , although there are regional variations within this , it 's clearly not purely an export story and it 's not purely a domestic story , it 's a mixture of the two which gives us some reassurance erm it 's also deepening in the sense that there 's no evidence from the survey of anything which is likely to trip up the recovery in the short term , and remember that most of these er questions relate to the next four months , not all of them , but mo most of them relate to the next four months so one does n't want to extrapolate too far forward but nevertheless if you look at erm er most obviously sort of the the crisis and the inflation questions , if you look at er
14 Stranded in the middle of a threatening black neighbourhood , he is rescued by a tow-truck driver , Danny Glover , and the two of them embark on a tentative , rather sweet black-white buddy relationship .
15 The index-linked gilts on the market have maturities of up to 2024 and most of them stand at a substantial premium to their par value .
16 At least that is one message 1500 of them gape at the first ever BAYSDAY , held earlier this month at various institutions in London 's museum heartland .
17 Some of them appear in the above list , for a hard line can not be drawn .
18 Will one of them tumble to the heretical truth , that they have sprung from a remote , earlier form of life , rooted in organic , carbon chemistry , rather than the silicon-based electronic principles of their own bodies ?
19 So when you realise it 's somewhere about three hundred and fifty thousand chartered engineers in th U K as a whole you 'll see most of them belong to the three major organisations .
20 And , the discomfort is made even more acute when two or three of them arrive by the same post .
21 ‘ At home , children expect to come first in the life of the family and in school many of them behave in a selfish , uncaring way with no idea of consideration of others , ’ wrote another .
22 There is one selective co-educational secondary school at Worcester College and a large all-age school at Exhall Grange , Warwickshire , both of which draw from a national catchment .
23 Companies have other attractions besides the limitation of members ' liability , most of which flow from the separate legal personality with which corporations are endowed under English law .
24 Contracts for the acquisition of computer equipment and software present special problems , many of which flow from the unique nature of computer technology .
25 Apart from the works cited in this introduction , some of which refer to the American and Australian literature , there are now two books specifically directed to the analysis of many of these issues within a British context .
26 Typical layout of a rabbit warren , showing the entrances , bolt-holes and dead-ends , all of which figure in the ferreting technique .
27 The Australian desert , for example , is structurally an ancient worn-down plateau of crystalline and ancient sedimentary rocks , the more resistant of which rise to a thousand metres or more ( a few thousand feet ) above the general surface level .
28 In particular , they will not wish to sell longer dated bills , the prices of which rise by a larger amount for a given change in interest rates .
29 This may be no more than a judgement of which line on a graduated scale a movable needle is nearest to .
30 all of which calibrate to the Early or Middle Bronze Age ; such a body of evidence can not be chance .
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