Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [modal v] [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 When two businesses are both buying from and selling to one another the outstanding accounts between them can be offset and the net balance paid by whoever owes it to the other .
2 Possibly , after what might be described as puritanical streaks through the 1980s , and after the theorising of desire and the occasional turning of the body into a no-go area , there is a need to explore pleasure — in the artist , the artwork and the audience ; the pleasure in that three-way encounter .
3 ‘ where two or more persons are jointly entitled to a deposit … each of them shall be treated as having a separate deposit of an amount produced by dividing the amount of the deposit to which they are jointly entitled by the number of persons who are so entitled .
4 3.10 Subject as provided in clause 5.5.3 all fixtures affixed to or installed in the Premises as part of the Tenant 's Works ( other than Tenant 's fixtures ) shall become and remain the property of the Landlord notwithstanding that any of them may be affixed or installed after completion of the Lease The difficulty here is ensuring that both parties know what are tenant 's fixtures and it may be as well to include in a schedule the fixtures to which the landlord is referring .
5 As I stood and watched them pass by I wondered how many of them would be killed or seriously wounded by this time tomorrow afternoon .
6 Obviously , if probes in this region were deleted one by one , starting from the probes known as repetitive ( containing ribosomal DNA or belonging to telomeres in this case ) , less of them would be deleted and the overlap would be successfully detected .
7 Much therefore depended on which brand of them would be returned and whether , as in the past , they would align themselves with the Conservative Party and accept its whip .
8 You are so shit-scared of homosexuality and so utterly stupid , small-minded and screwed-up that your only reaction to ‘ faggots ’ is that ‘ every one of them should be electrocuted or shot ’ .
9 One of them should be chosen and be put rapidly into effect .
10 Not one of them could be described as ordinary .
11 So some of them will be given and some of them wo n't and you 'll work out which ones can I fit in here opposite adjacent or that .
12 The field outside is full of foxes and rabbits but none of them will be preserved because you need the right conditions .
13 The British Consulate says some of the United supporters are likely to be charged and all of them will be held until after this evenings game against the Turkish champions .
14 A real threat existed , because she responded to him physically , a threat to so much that she valued as part of her individual identity , autonomy , independence , pride , all of which would be lost if ever the weakness he created in her led to her succumbing to the dark attraction he held for her .
15 Full-time provision includes courses of one to three and four years ' duration , some of which may be studied as separate ‘ end-on ’ courses and many of which provide opportunities for transfer of suitable students to degree courses .
16 In modern times , people have looked to many different aspects of human activity as sources of conflict , not all of which may be seen as appropriate to medieval societies .
17 Those who have undergone measurement at T 1 may no longer be typical of the population in their reaction to X , the effect of which may be magnified or diminished .
18 Prominent among these is lack of spontaneity for which there may be a number of reasons , two of which may be characterised as ( 1 ) a high degree of vested interest , and ( 2 ) a high concern for one 's reputation .
19 In cleaning and disinfection there are six basic steps , some of which may be combined or omitted , to evolve a particular method .
20 A consultant 's job can be divided roughly into three areas of work , all of which are interrelated , but each of which may be taken and given as a separate service .
21 Nevertheless , the list of Confluent words which follows disregards the stances involved , which number almost nine thousand and are all named , and merely offers a few definitions , some of which must be regarded as tentative .
22 In addition to these cuts , a moratorium was placed on the spending of certain funds , in the Administration , Finance and House budgets , the expenditure of which could be delayed until the income situation had clarified .
23 But in three short years the following essential features of creative sound were worked out for the first time : cut-and-splice sound editing ; dubbing mute shots ( i.e. providing library sounds for completely silent bits of film ) ; quiet cameras ; ‘ talkback ’ and other intercom systems ; ‘ boom ’ microphones ( so the mike could be placed over the actor 's head and moved as necessary ) ; equalization ; track-bouncing ; replacement of dialogue ( including alternative languages ) ; filtering ( for removing traffic noise , wind noise , or for simulating telephone conversations ) ; busbars for routing controlled amounts of foldback or reverberation ; three-track recording ( music , effects , and dialogue , any of which could be changed as necessary ) ; automatic volume limiters ; and synchronous playback ( for dance or mimed shots ) .
24 A paper published in Nature , for example , will contain a very small number of references , each of which can be regarded as highly influential on the authors , because that journal limits the number of references per paper .
25 Secondly , there is the resulting force field , the various terms of which can be taken as force constants for the motions used initially to define the problem .
26 Nisbet maintains that these five strategies represent the range of possibilities and that they can each be located on a spectrum , the poles of which can be described as ‘ hard ’ and ‘ soft ’ .
27 Article 86 provides that : any abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position within the common market or a substantial part of it shall be prohibited as incompatible with the common market insofar as it may affect trade between Member States .
28 If he repays the loan no part of it shall be treated as his income for any year of assessment after that in which repayment occurs .
29 In the Continental Can decision in 1973 the European Court held that a company which already held a dominant position in the Common Market or a substantial part of it could be treated as exploiting it abusively so as to infringe Article 86 , if it moved significantly towards monopoly by taking over a competitor .
30 I am sure much of it could be billed and relocated this winter to begin to create a new landscaped edge to the extension .
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