Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [conj] for a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , some main roads represent corridors of distribution ; objects like pottery are found along them and for a distance on either side , but the number of object-discoveries diminishes rapidly beyond a certain distance from the road .
2 Daly would be with him but for a paperwork problem , and is in Harrogate Town where Frank Gray is manager now .
3 Then her arms went about him and there was a heat in her that for a moment matched his own .
4 The man stopped a foot away from him and for a moment or two William stopped struggling .
5 The anticipation drained from her and for a moment she stood irresolute .
6 When Ariel gently lifted the old woman to move her to her own quarters up the path in the forest , Sycorax gave a huge cry , the folding of her body in Ariel 's arms shot fiery rivers of pain through her that for a while swallowed up all the others she suffered from her burns .
7 And it seemed to her that for a moment his eyes ensnared her , as though he had reached out a hand and taken hold of her .
8 Wes smiled and looked up at me and for a moment the tough mask dropped from the grubby features and in the dark wild eyes I read sheer delight .
9 He turned and glared at her and for a moment she thought the old Georg was going to start carping and nagging and telling her what she ought or ought not to do .
10 Georg looked at her and for a moment she thought he was going to grab her , thought he was going to cry himself , but he suddenly stormed out of the dairy and began to stride up towards the lower pasture .
11 They looked at her and for a time no one said anything .
12 She looked at him and for a moment he thought that this time it was going to be easy , this time she would believe him and go to sleep .
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