Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] as she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She ate as directed by Taggy , and made no fuss when that dame looked after her much as she had herself done for her deceased employer — nursing her and acting as lady 's maid , and combing out her troublesome copper hair , until Theda felt strong enough to perform this office for herself .
2 That was the night Ellie vowed she would never cry in front of anyone again as she lay among the boxes .
3 ‘ You need your eyes tested , ’ she said to herself finally as she trudged on up the steps , the melting ice-creams dripping all over her fingers .
4 She smiled to herself now as she drove through the outskirts of Edinburgh , eyes fixed like limpets on the black Mercedes in front of her — if she lost sight of Jake now , she was done for !
5 And perhaps her friend was right , Lisa thought to herself now as she sank back in her armchair in front of the gas fire , put her feet up at last and took a mouthful of her cocoa .
6 President Mobutu 's face nods on her behind as she pounds plantain in an ebony mortar and then slices the yellow dough with cotton thread .
7 She was getting quite neurotic , Harriet reflected , and the same thought occurred to her now as she checked her image in the full length mirror , tucking her camisole top more neatly in at the waist of her pants and straightening the ornamental clasp of the loose belt she had fastened around her hips .
8 The elegance of his own style , the willingness of the assistants , the feeling that an endless flow of joy emanated from this eccentric and astute little man , the jade-green charm of the suit that was eventually chosen , the reserve , the luxury , the civilization of that day came back to her now as she stood gazing at iron scaffolding , aware of drunks in the square opposite and the depression that had undermined the world , and her , since the buoyancy of that radiant and particular day .
9 ‘ There seemed to be some doubt in your mind about my exact gender , ’ Maggie put in drily , and he cast her an irritated look , his dark eyes running over her again as she sat facing him , her hands in the pockets of the loose shirt .
10 A woman was driving and she parked beside our land-cruiser , nodding to us briefly as she stepped out onto the road and flung a series of questions at the Indian , half in Spanish and half in a more guttural tongue , which I took to be Quechua .
11 As luck would have it , Sophie had had no arrangement of her own for this evening , and , either forgetting our pact , or not taking my need for it seriously as she knew my activities were , on her terms , so innocent , had dropped in to borrow some coffee .
12 The koko serves us tea respectfully , although she smiles at me complicitly as she hands me my mug .
13 A woman with a dog stared at them curiously as she passed .
14 My wife was of no service at all in the crisis and I could only look up at her reproachfully as she leaned against the doorpost dabbing at her eyes .
15 The clerk looked at her oddly as she took her purse out of her school satchel and carefully counted out the exact money .
16 The man looked at her carefully as she nodded .
17 Amabel smiled at her now as she sat by Gemma 's bedside tranquilly embroidering a cambric handkerchief , patient and beautiful as an angel and so terribly wronged .
18 He looked at her questioningly as she hesitated .
19 It amused him even more and he looked down at her quizzically as she wrenched her arm from his grasp .
20 Paula looked at him wickedly as she settled herself in the front passenger seat .
21 Doreen looked at him pleadingly as she persisted , ‘ I thought it would be so nice for — for married couples — ’
22 She paused , then changed the subject by looking at him expectantly as she said , ‘ Have n't you things to show me about the running of this office ? ’
23 She paused , looking at him thoughtfully as she went on , ‘ Now you know why I 'm here .
24 Smiles came from within , they were n't just a facial movement , and she stared at him assessingly as she wondered how she could have been such a fool .
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