Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] as he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She stared after him mutinously as he went from the room , willing him to bump his head as he went through the door , but to her disappointment Dr Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head with the grace and dexterity of long practice .
2 A newly-wed husband legally acquired all his wife 's real and personal property , and he could dispose of it exactly as he thought fit .
3 Collecting her ticket , she came up behind him again as he checked in for the flight .
4 He was playing with it impatiently as he listened to the old man .
5 Gasping with desperate exertion , she got the canoe into the water , and leapt into it just as he seemed to realise what she was doing .
6 Whatever the meaning for those twelve disciples on that short mission ( and the Spirit may well have come upon them temporarily as he did upon the Old Testament of God to equip them for a special purpose ) , it is hard to mistake the shadow this event casts towards the time of the Church , when men sent out by Jesus ( ‘ sent one' is the root meaning of the word ‘ apostle ’ ) would be equipped by the Spirit given them by Jesus , for carrying out Jesus ' own mission in the world .
7 ‘ What time ? ’ burst from her rapidly as he reached the driver 's door .
8 What was unusual in this case was that even in his great excitement he still carried the photographs of Koko and pointed to them repeatedly as he looked toward the teacher , who nodded and said ‘ Yes ’ to Sherman .
9 And so he hugged his loneliness to himself even as he bemoaned it .
10 Corbett was oblivious to everything else as he travelled down into the city : the dirty streets , the noisy clamour of the traders , even the mixture of rich smells from bakeries , cookshops and heaps of human and animal ordure steaming in the summer sun .
11 And apparently Jason Horfitz then said he would n't be passing on the information he had to anybody else as he did n't want to end up in a ditch . ’
12 ‘ Listen to him now as he tells us how and why he became a convert .
13 If they had given his note to her exactly as he had said …
14 He was as perfect to her now as he had been when she had seen him as a child .
15 Responsibility visibly descended on him again as he walked .
16 The strain in his voice made her realise how much he still held his emotions on a tight rein and his dark eyes roamed over her hungrily as he undressed in the soft lamplight .
17 Tina grabbed his arm and held on to it fiercely as he stared back into Mrs Cramp 's hard little boot-button eyes .
18 Aware only of the bumping of her heart and the pressuring of his mouth on hers even as he carried her through interminable pathways to the journey 's end , Sarella felt him lower her at last on to his bed .
19 Des stares at me blankly as he puts his shoe on .
20 I hope that the Secretary of State will look again at the figures , instead of looking at them superficially as he has done , to see that , in the past five years , the incidence of passenger train collisions has increased by 40 per cent .
21 He stares at you hard as he passes .
22 The man looked at her curiously as he passed , touched his cap and muttered a curt good evening , which she acknowledged equally briefly .
23 But he could only glance at her briefly as he complimented her .
24 He glanced at her briefly as he said , ‘ I have n't checked the answering machine .
25 For Naylor Massingham looked far from amused , and was in fact glowering at her darkly as he rapped toughly , ‘ The purpose of my wanting to see you , Miss Everett , was to give you verbal warning that unless your work improves you 're out ! ’
26 He smiled at her now as he said , ‘ Yes , you 're right , I do love it . ’
27 He glanced at her quickly as he opened his car door .
28 A low rumble of thunder made her skin break out in a fine rash of goosepimples , and Julius glanced at her sharply as he noticed them .
29 She had been standing on the bank above him with her booted feet apart , her hands jammed into the pockets of her tight-fitting breeches , and for a fleeting instant he looked at her appraisingly as he had done at the reception .
30 She looked at him again as he executed a slower turn , wobbling but upright .
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