Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She ate as directed by Taggy , and made no fuss when that dame looked after her much as she had herself done for her deceased employer — nursing her and acting as lady 's maid , and combing out her troublesome copper hair , until Theda felt strong enough to perform this office for herself .
2 She stared after him mutinously as he went from the room , willing him to bump his head as he went through the door , but to her disappointment Dr Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head with the grace and dexterity of long practice .
3 He came racing towards me just as I got out , I had already shed my parachute in the aircraft to get out a little more schnell before he accosted me , I got the most bitter rollicking for leaving the aircraft outside his engineering hangar area .
4 It did n't bear thinking of , but I thought of nothing else as I prepared to go down to breakfast .
5 A PENSIONER took revenge on two carjackers by ramming their car and then trying to mow one of them down as they fled in terror .
6 I often think of them now as I share a strawberry daiquiri with Morrissey and Loz from Kingmaker in the Hyatt Buenos Aires .
7 Thought of him tonight as I walked down to the river .
8 A newly-wed husband legally acquired all his wife 's real and personal property , and he could dispose of it exactly as he thought fit .
9 That was the night Ellie vowed she would never cry in front of anyone again as she lay among the boxes .
10 Collecting her ticket , she came up behind him again as he checked in for the flight .
11 The screeching and thrashing was behind him now as they bundled out into the corridor , and Cardiff turned to slam the door shut .
12 I 'm dealing with her even as we speak .
13 He was playing with it impatiently as he listened to the old man .
14 You could get quite a lot from this book , either by reading it as a whole book , or by dipping into it either as you need to know something , or simply keeping it handy and reading the occasional topic when you get bored .
15 Gasping with desperate exertion , she got the canoe into the water , and leapt into it just as he seemed to realise what she was doing .
16 In the Middle Ages , people often depicted their monks as ruminative animals , chewing over the Word of God repeatedly , as it were , rolling the words around in their mouths and absorbing it into themselves just as they received Jesus the Word in the Eucharist , in a symbolic and sacramental manner .
17 ‘ I have contacted Bruno 's lawyer and told him to tell Frank that if he wants to fight Lennox he should get in contact with us directly as I understand that Duff 's promotional contract expires in April .
18 Whatever the meaning for those twelve disciples on that short mission ( and the Spirit may well have come upon them temporarily as he did upon the Old Testament of God to equip them for a special purpose ) , it is hard to mistake the shadow this event casts towards the time of the Church , when men sent out by Jesus ( ‘ sent one' is the root meaning of the word ‘ apostle ’ ) would be equipped by the Spirit given them by Jesus , for carrying out Jesus ' own mission in the world .
19 Spectacular scientific advances have come from them just as they have from other institutions .
20 ‘ Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another ’ ( Colossians 3:16 ) .
21 It stirred the man in him even as it gored him .
22 It appeared that more was required and Liz , resenting the inanity thus forced upon her even as it passed her lips , found herself saying ‘ And how are you looking forward to the 1980s ? ’
23 ‘ What time ? ’ burst from her rapidly as he reached the driver 's door .
24 Steven , concerned , paid the bill and put his arm round her protectively as they went out to the car .
25 What was unusual in this case was that even in his great excitement he still carried the photographs of Koko and pointed to them repeatedly as he looked toward the teacher , who nodded and said ‘ Yes ’ to Sherman .
26 ’ She told it to them much as I 'd told her myself .
27 ‘ Peter began and explained everything to them precisely as it happened ’ ( Acts 11:4 ) .
28 But I know what 'll happen to me soon as I put my face round the door .
29 I suppose I was kicking over the traces a bit and parental authority seemed as irksome to me then as it does to teenagers today .
30 Do you think you can vent your temper on me just as you please ?
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