Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [adv] as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I had the feeling that Signe had n't dismissed Harvey 's words of caution about me as completely as she professed and I carefully refrained from asking about the parcel .
2 I feel confident because I know I came out to help : directly , by leading them as well as an officer can ; indirectly , by watching their sufferings so that I may plead for them as well as I can .
3 When Matthew and I adopted you three years ago , we decided to look after you as well as we could .
4 I lay on my back and watched it for a second , then got up and ran after her as fast as I could , again just because I knew I could n't catch her .
5 Since he looked after her as carefully as he did the rest , the princess too was happy to share their life in the forest .
6 I ran after him as fast as I could .
7 Therefore he keeps walking , ‘ thinking of nothing so long as he could refrain from thinking ’ .
8 There have been improvements here and there in the East European countries , but generally speaking they distribute sulphur dioxide to their own fields and cities and to the countries downwind of them as liberally as they ever did .
9 Now this I dependably find a real throw-up number but there 's never anything too horrendous because , as my colleagues are always saying , we 're at the darning-and-patching level of the biomedical business : the serious cases we bring in direct , and at speed , from the city hospitals , and we in our turn get rid of them as quickly as we can .
10 On the day he left , Gould wrote to Captain Washington at the Royal Geographical Society , announcing proudly , ‘ I shall have many novelties to add to science as well as to communicate a great deal respecting their habits since I have already obtained the nests and eggs of 60 species not one of which as far as I am aware have been described . ’
11 Then , in your own words answer the question at the top of the sheet in front of you as honestly as you can .
12 Nigel and Rosamund Starmer-Smith 's tragic loss of their daughter , Charlotte , has clearly affected many of you as deeply as it has us .
13 I do understand that the burden of an elderly , dependent relative , even of one so sprightly as your mother , can be great .
14 You see , it 's not just speaking in other tongues , there is gon na become the evidence of it as well as we grow in him .
15 ‘ He was n't hurt and that 's the end of it as far as he 's concerned . ’
16 I ran towards it as fast as I could — and found an old man with a lantern .
17 Shannon fought against him as hard as she could , but his hands in her hair held her face captive just where he wanted it , and she was pinned to the ground by his weight .
18 With that she got up , put her knitting away and said she would go with me as far as our house .
19 The landlady was going out to see the workers among her hay some miles down the glen ; her man-servant ( the Hermit of Glencoe ) drove , and she asked if I would come with them as far as they went .
20 We have to live with her as well as you .
21 He left the cosy little restaurant to reappear a few minutes later with the announcement that her taxi was at the door and that he and Bob would go with her as far as her hotel .
22 And , of course , I 'm in love with her as far as I 'm capable of loving anyone .
23 She was great with him so long as he kept her occupied .
24 ‘ He does have Paula with him as far as we know , ’ Monica reminded him .
25 As he felt his own orgasm beginning to pulsate be felt her legs gripping him and drove his penis into her as hard as he could , bursting inside her like a dam .
26 We are dealing with it as well as we can in the circumstances and are beginning to have some real effect .
27 Colour 's got nothing to do with it as far as I 'm concerned .
28 ‘ Not I. You might as well call it Trouble up at t'Mill and have done with it as far as I 'm concerned .
29 Ride along with it as philosophically as you can , and try not to take your own hurt feelings or sense of irritation out on your mother-in-law , as this will only lead to unhappiness for you all .
30 Sikes took out his gun , but realizing , even in his madness , that a shot might be heard , he beat her twice across the face with it as hard as he could .
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