Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Are you listening those of you who claim that this is his only strength ?
2 This might be because of what they say you are or because of what they say that some of your friends are , particularly if they do not approve of them .
3 I honestly ca n't think of anything we wanted that this holiday did n't provide .
4 There are many of us who believe that such a shake up is long overdue .
5 The guillotine motion after 10 o'clock tonight will attempt to preclude sensible contributions , attempt to preclude people from dealing with the difficulties and technicalities in the Bill , and pose a real problem for those of us who believe that local government is not a political football to be kicked about at whim , but an essential part of our democracy for the provision of essential services .
6 If your blood is Rhesus negative and your baby is Rhesus positive , and fetal blood enters the mother 's bloodstream , you may develop antibodies against it which mean that any subsequent pregnancy of a Rhesus positive baby will be in danger of contracting Rhesus disease — a potential cause of stillbirth or neo-natal death .
7 In the final section of Chapter 6 , we construct a simple model of inflation in which we assume that all prices are cost-plus prices .
8 Alice Heim was beginning her work on creativity in which she claimed that verbal reasoning tests ignored vital aspects of child potential .
9 Mrs Proetta , 50 , was the central figure in an ITV documentary in which she claimed that three IRA terrorists there were shot dead in cold blood by the SAS in 1988 .
10 Naykene had written an article in which he alleged that all members of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council , which ruled for a period in 1979 , had benefited from an illegal foreign loan .
11 The federal Prime Minister , Ante Markovic , also a Croat , resigned on Dec. 20 , in protest at what he called a " war budget " for 1992 , in which he said that 81 per cent of the money was marked for the JNA [ see also below ] .
12 The image was well established ; and it is hardly surprising that when , in 1521 , the canny and obsessively fair-minded scholar John Major produced his book entitled A History of Greater Britain , in which he argued that better relations with England would make good sense , for political and economic reasons , the plea fell on ears deafened by the awareness that a little nation had fought off a monster by courage and tenacity .
13 In fact , their own chairman , John Dunster , presented a paper to a United Nations session on atomic power in 1958 in which he revealed that some polonium had been released .
14 Viktor Chebrikov , at this time KGB chairman , made a still more pointed speech in September 1987 in which he declared that Western intelligence services were attempting to subvert Soviet youth and to sow the seeds of nationalist discontent , hoping in this way to undermine socialism morally and politically and to inculcate political pluralism ( Gorbachev , by contrast , had spoken strongly in favour of ‘ socialist pluralism ’ at a meeting with French public figures the same month ) .
15 and referred to the same phenomenon in his introduction to Pascal 's Pens , in which he declared that certain kinds of ill health may favour not only " religious illumination " but also " artistic and literary composition " .
16 We can witness all these in Worsley 's book in which he demonstrates that architectural draughtsmanship reached a point of perfection by 1837 , after which it degenerated into mere technical proficiency , when even bodies such as the Institute of British Architects condemned the use of colour and supplementary foreground activities that had previously made competition perspectives more attractive .
17 He produced in 1975 the results of a large survey , hailed as the ‘ Italian Kinsey report ’ , in which he found that 50 per cent of Italian women and 25 per cent of men engaged in sex ‘ only to please ’ their partners ; that 46 per cent of women and 19 per cent of men faked orgasm ; and that 49 per cent of women and a surprising 32 per cent of men reported that they were virgins at marriage .
18 The second and later major influence on Barth has been , again by his own admission , that of Borges and he has set on record his admiration for that writer in his most famous article , ‘ The Literature of Exhaustion ’ ( 1967 ) , in which he argues that certain literary forms may be used up and so are no longer available to the writer except as parody .
19 The idea of the Umwelt has re-emerged in ethology in Griffin 's book The question of animal awareness ( 1976 ) , in which he argues that recent research in animal orientation , navigation , and social communication implies cognitive processes of a high order and even mental experiences of them .
20 If this is so , there is considerable point to Beverley Halstead 's letter to Nature in which he argues that academic publication of the research results should be a requirement before the award of a Ph D , ( as is the case in some countries and institutions ) .
21 Diaka announced a 34-member Cabinet on Oct. 30 , in which he claimed that 40 per cent of ministerial posts were taken by members of the Sacred Union .
22 On Aug. 14 , Georgian National Guard detachments were deployed in Abkhazia , following a televised address by Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze , in which he warned that all measures would be employed to secure the release of Interior Minister Roman Gventsadze and other officials , who had been taken hostage on Aug. 11 by supporters of ousted Georgian President Zviad Gamsakhurdia .
23 The end of the nineteenth century was the climax of the Age of Science ; what remains for us is to glimpse briefly the aftermath of that confident period in which it seemed that all the interesting questions must have answers , and that it was the business of natural philosophy to find them out .
24 The perversity of the decision should not detract from the flaws it appeared to expose in sport 's crusade to eradicate drug abuse , nor the manner in which it showed that financial considerations were as responsible for the debacle as the gross ineptitude of the DLV .
25 Now the Law Commission has issued a working paper entitled ‘ Contributory Negligence as a Defence in Contract ’ in which it recommends that contributory negligence should be available as a defence to all breaches of contractual obligations .
26 Since reading aloud primes subsequent tachistoscopic recognition , the semantic system ( if it is indeed the locus of priming effects ) must be playing a part in tachistoscopic recognition ; from which it follows that prior use of that system in responding to a definition should also prime tachistoscopic recognition .
27 In it we reaffirmed that all disputes between states should be resolved peacefully in accordance with the provisions of the charter .
28 And all open land therefore Does it follow from what you say that all open land necessarily must serve a greenbelt function ?
29 Van Gogh could not possibly demonstrate the validity of his vision to someone who lacks that inner visual sense by which his greatness as an artist is perceived .
30 Let me finish in a very positive note in saying that I 'm as concerned as the speaker to which I reply that that day will be reached and reached soon , please God , when we can sit down together and share fully in the sacrament of the lord 's supper .
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