Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [verb] [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is one of the well-established results which Morton ( 1969 ) used in his influential model of the lexicon , which suggests that words become finally recognised when sufficient " data " about them have been collected from the environment .
2 These wadis are too long and , in many places , form too integrated a pattern for them to have been formed under present climatic conditions .
3 The bullets had followed each other too quickly from different angles for them to have been fired by the same person .
4 might have also mentioned that the number of scholarships and the funds available for them have been increased by 50 per cent and 500 per cent respectively .
5 I am particularly encouraged by the references to better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists , and to see that routes for them have been incorporated into all the major development sites where appropriate — and indeed given some prominence in the site maps .
6 The first pre-retirement courses were held in the United States in 1949 , but it is only in the last ten to fifteen years that the need for them has been recognised in the United Kingdom .
7 The second edition of this guide to medicines for older people and those who help care for them has been published by Age Concern England .
8 Long service awards for trio of Terriers THREE part-time soldiers with nearly 70 years in uniform between them have been honoured for long service .
9 Until recently , there was an unwritten rule in some universities that a PhD candidate would get their doctorate only after their having been published in international scientific journals .
10 The traditional bloom process was still capable of meeting all needs , for a negligible outlay ; the exotic indirect process had been introduced as an act of state policy simply in order to make cannons , the need for which had been proved by the effectiveness of French artillery — against the English themselves — in the wars of the fifteenth century ; Newbridge , where the first successful gun had been cast in 1509 , was Crown property .
11 The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) signed an historic commercial agreement with the Russian Space Agency on June 18 , the basis for which had been established at the June summit between US President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin [ see pp. 38985-86 ] .
12 Furthermore , the deregulation of bus services has shifted demand away from traditional large buses towards smaller ones , the demand for which has been met to a great extent by importers .
13 If a body approved by the Secretary of State have provided or propose to provide a seamen 's canteen the need for which has been certified by him after consultation with the Merchant Navy Welfare Board , the licensing board within whose jurisdiction the said canteen is or will be situated may grant a licence under this Part of this Act authorising the person who is the manager of the canteen to sell alcoholic liquor in the canteen .
14 They probably succeeded those of the second-century vicus , some evidence for which has been gained in excavations .
15 Among 212 people between the ages of 16 and 65 , only 88 of whom had been disabled before 18 years of age , enquiry was made as to range and frequency of experience in sexual practices generally .
16 The newly formed independent human rights organization Organisation Marocaine des Droits de L'Homme ( OMDH ) ( see p. 36244 ) claimed on July 26 , 1989 , that there remained a total of 226 political prisoners in Morocco , 12 of whom had been condemned to death and 33 of whom were in indefinite solitary confinement .
17 The lands that they abandoned were gradually occupied by Albanians , most of whom had been converted to Islam .
18 Fifteen countries were represented by 30 women , each of whom had been invited on the basis of her contribution to theatre in her own country .
19 The report said that at least 50 people were being held without charge in " preventive " detention , and further stated that many hundreds of people were being held without proper trial , among them at least 90 political prisoners who were tried by special courts , over half of whom had been sentenced to death .
20 The human rights organization Amnesty International on Dec. 10 issued a report on Myanma listing some 200 people arrested in the country during the first seven months of 1991 , nearly 40 of whom had been sentenced to long prison terms after " blatantly unfair " trials .
21 The offences took place between 1977 and 1983 with boys then aged between 11 and 13 , some of whom had been abused by their parents before being taken into care .
22 Rostov was not sure what purpose his stateroom had served previously but it was obvious that it had been occupied by at least four persons , all of whom had been possessed of diverse tastes with regard to the minimal decoration which was permissible aboard a ship designed for deep space exploration .
23 The South Korean government announced an amnesty on Feb. 26 under which it would release 22 " leftists " , most of whom had been convicted of spying for North Korea , and 1,089 other prisoners .
24 Smith Opon Acak , all of whom had been detained for more than a year , appeared in court in January 1990 charged with plotting to overthrow the government , having " levied war against the government of Uganda " between Nov. 2 and 18 , 1987 .
25 Among those executed , several of whom had been detained before the " coup attempt " , were the former Air Force commander , Maj.-Gen.
26 On May 7 the government dismissed the country 's 14 regional commissioners , all of whom had been appointed by the Royal Palace and were regarded as loyal supporters of the King .
27 part of the process of universal involvement in recognition of Artai as Lord of the Earth now necessitated the removal of the Dragon Throne — a solid piece of carving of the weight of seven thousand diram — with its occupant from the top of the plinth down to the concourse from whence it was destined to be borne on a processional route on the shoulders of teams of men of every degree in the Khanate , most of whom had been selected by lot , although there were a few who had paid out considerable sums in gold koban for the privilege of inclusion .
28 Forth patients had been operated on , 14 of whom had been subjected to only ileocoecal resection .
29 The leaders of the General Union of Tunisian Students ( UGTE ) were among 583 protesters reported to have been arrested by Feb. 23 , 283 of whom had been drafted into military service , a further 190 held for interrogation and 110 released by Feb. 25 .
30 In June Hu Qili , Rui Xingwen and Yan Minfu ( all of whom had been removed from high-ranking posts in the aftermath of the June 1989 " counter-revolutionary rebellion " ) were appointed to vice-ministerial posts [ see p. 38290 ] .
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