Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] few [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 There are even techniques for mirroring the other person 's non-verbal behaviours for the first few minutes of meeting them , and then testing whether rapport has been established by changing your visual behaviours to see whether the other person will reciprocate by mirroring yours .
2 The ideal is to leave the ground balanced on the main wheel , and to hold a constant attitude for the first few feet of the launch while the aircraft gains height and speed .
3 John 's lamp light lasted for the first few hours of his entombment and from then on he was in total darkness .
4 So , for the first few days of his visit , Edouard explored the city alone , except for the servant .
5 Despite the dubious seaworthiness of our ship , for the first few days of the storm my sense of danger was eclipsed by the exhilaration of at last thundering in the right direction .
6 Although the night-time itching has been put down to the nocturnal habits of the mite , it is interesting that for the first few weeks of infestation , when the mites are presumably just as active , there are often no symptoms at all .
7 For the first few weeks of term this was a problem .
8 I intend to keep the fry in a number of these nets for the first few weeks of their lives and feed them on newly hatched brine shrimp .
9 He and Helen were blissfully happy , alone now in the house where they had lived with Helen 's mother for the first few weeks of their marriage .
10 Oh absolutely , yes I 'm not arguing about that , and as I said , heaven forbid that should happen , erm another point I did pick up from one report was that in the eight years war , and you 're quite right , the Iraqis are battle hardened , but the Iranian air force apparently could n't bomb Iraq to any great consequence except for the first few weeks of the conflict .
11 For the first few centuries of the Christian era , Ireland was largely isolated from the rest of Europe .
12 For many years , both in the days of glassfibre and for the first few years of plastic , there was little variety in the shape of boats in general recreational use .
13 He had quite enjoyed that kind of jealousy for the first few months of their marriage .
14 For the first few months of the campaign they had very few weapons and virtually no ammunition .
15 For the first few months of 1952 flying concentrated on standardising the instructors and from February , with the arrival of the first B.2s , type conversion for the staff .
16 For the last few days of her life Julia lay in a drugged sleep , free from pain and still managing a faint smile for Pat as he hung over her , gripping her hand .
17 Sleep-drugged figures stumble quietly around their bivouacs , feeling for the last few items of rain-sodden kit to stow in their bergens .
18 He was so depressed , poor boy , at falling in the first place — all Langleys ride as if they were born to it — and then at not being able to return to Cambridge for the last few weeks of term , and his aunt was quite at her wit 's end to know what to do with him .
19 If a girl is lucky and her parents are alive , she goes to her mother 's house for the last few months of her pregnancy and about the first three months of the baby 's life .
20 She died in 1850 , having been allowed to leave the convent for the last few months of her life to be nursed by her sisters .
21 He 'd have quite liked to have spent the night on the couch in Polly 's living room , as he had for the last few months of their marriage , but it had not been offered as an option and he supposed it was just as well .
22 Most gliding clubs have a system of re-checking pilots during the first few hours of solo flying , but then pilots are left very much to their own devices to improve their soaring techniques .
23 This is especially important during the first few weeks of pregnancy when you might not even know you are pregnant .
24 The following quotations illustrate the widely differing views of this common problem : ‘ During the first few weeks of life the average baby sleeps a great deal but , when awake , cries lustily and often … .
25 Fees for the session 1992/93 will be approximately £195 for the day classes and £171 for evening classes payable during the first few weeks of the course .
26 Fees for the session 1992/93 will be approximately £98 — payable during the first few weeks of the course .
27 Courtney , in his own evidence , claimed to have heard that Miss C gained a reputation for being ‘ easy ’ during the first few weeks of her stay at University College .
28 The bombing was concentrated both in terms of space and time ; a small number of East End London boroughs bore the brunt of the damage , typically Stepney and Bermondsey , during the first few weeks of the Blitz in late 1940 .
29 Some of our final year students who were soon to be ordained , feeling the need for some kind of support system , especially during the first few years of ministry , decided to create their own cells .
30 Walnut was used for the bodies and necks during the first few years of production but later Gibson switched to mahogany as this proved to be a more stable material , with less material wastage during the timber selection procedure .
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