Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adv] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This has implications for the generally study of ideology and the counter-themes of ideology ( Billig , 1982 ; and Billig et al . ,
2 This consists of four separate buildings : the baptistery , the cathedral , the campanile and the cemetery ( this last , the Camposanto , was badly damaged in the Second World War but is now largely rebuilt apart from the beautiful frescoes which were for the most part beyond repair ) .
3 It was a fast journey , and accomplished for the most part in silence , although Rohan did point out the entrance to the Château de Biron , as they flashed past .
4 During the 1860s the energy of the radicals was absorbed for the most part in rebellion against the values and conventions of the educated world from which they sprang .
5 Detailed analysis of the early period of social-democratic activity , during the late 1880s and early 90s , has found that ‘ the relationship between worker and intelligentsia leaders was characterized for the most part by trust , co-operation and mutual respect . ’
6 Climbing sports originate for the most part from bush types ‘ sporting ’ extra long canes which still bear the same flowers as the parent .
7 Mr Guest has been extremely helpful , first sending an inspector out to review the situation and then arranging for the 6.45am bus from Crook to Bishop Auckland to be rescheduled to arrive in Crook five minutes earlier .
8 TASS described Shushkevich as " an active supporter of democratic change and an advocate of the soonest implementation of market relations and private property " .
9 A total of 3037 of the never smokers at baseline participated in the 1989 survey .
10 He passes speedily from the absurdities of haute cuisine to the shortcomings of folk cookery , and deals a swift right and left to those writers whose reverent genuflections before the glory and wonder of every least piece of peasant cookery-lore make much journalistic cookery writing so tedious .
11 In the vast majority of cases they will of course on the facts be a closed link between the nature of the trade effective between members of states and the competition that is restricted by the contested clause , this is because given that the restriction flows out in the agreement the later sets the context for former , accordingly as a simply matter of fact , restrictions of competition operating relating to the same market in which trade is affected between member of states , a restriction must be appraised in the context of the market , if the parties to the agreement or the high percent market share of the market , then a relatively minor restriction assumes greatest significance , on , firstly , if the parties hold a small share of the market then what appears obstensively be a serious restriction may turn out upon an assessment of facts to be minor or relatively insignificant , contrary to the submission of the plaintiff , the restriction of competition can be determined without a assessment of market , the court of first instance have recently held that the necessement of the market has necessary pre pre-conditioned of any judgement concerning the allegedly and competitive behaviour and your Lordship was taken to that paragraph page ninety two , just siting recently the and the present case the restrictions pleaded that paragraphs forty clements and the two twenty mason were for broadly to restrict the effects upon the insurance market , however the defendants have gone one step further and also identified other markets and sub markets in which the restrictions take immediate impact , this is logical for example in relation to the standard form agency agreement the restrictions have the most direct impact from the sub market to the provision of agencies services to names , competition is effected in this market since complete harmonization of secondary terms and trades are merely the criteria available to names when choosing an agent , however , the standard form contract also effects the wine and insurance market , the fact that the agent has unvetted powers to write any insurance which he sees fit affects the categories of insurance written within this is of course is the matter about which defendant makes complaint .
12 ACTUALLY STEVE Albini is someone you should know everything about , if only for Big Black , the Chicago-based hellcore punk terror band he formed in 1981 who had a parallel career of equal importance with the likes of Hüsker Dü and Sonic Youth , whose best records managed to combine an obsession with the eternally disgustingness of life with a guitar noise beyond punk , metal and , indeed , language .
13 This comparative review of contemporary African states and societies is concerned with the wordly dimensions of Islam — in society , the economy and the state .
14 He should have done that before instead of insisting on our groping our way up the Pan-Am Highway in darkness and bad visibility .
15 It 's only the knowledge that Television , Patti Smith , Blondie and The Ramones used the place as their Bull & Gates in the olden days that flushes you with a tingly sense of excitement when you find out that the toilet is a damp patch on the floor .
16 Paradox 4 will run on a 286 with a least 2Mb of memory ; even with all the tutorial stuff it occupies less than 4.5Mb of hard disk space .
17 The cellular business remains complex and uncertain and investors should continue to view it with a healthly degree of caution .
18 Some failures are due to ischaemia , sepsis , and fistulas in the arly period after operation and it is to be hoped that these complications will become less with further experience .
19 For example when , as a journalist , I visited couples in their homes to ask about local events , my conversations with women would often be interrupted by their husbands holding up their hands in the direction of their wives and saying in the most matter of fact way ‘ Be quiet , ’ and then turning to me and saying ‘ There is no point in asking my wife .
20 In the second-ever Players of Distinction concert held in Darlington , 20 younger aged children from the area are giving an afternoon concert and the older players perform at 7pm .
21 In the fruitfly Drosophila for example , the second male fertilizes from 83% to 99% of the eggs .
22 upon the almost eyes of train travellers .
23 The Class 40 , dressed in a never-never livery of rail blue with all yellow cabs , large BR logo and carrying a might-have-been number 40 445 , was facing south — held stationary by the unblinking red eye of a four-aspect colour light signal , newly erected at the Manchester end of Platform Three .
24 Could I make a constructive suggestion in this context of board salaries or remunerations or compensation packages or bonuses I 'm saying that in a slightly tongue in cheek way because I believe that the majority of shareholders do n't understand the differences between these concepts , as you gentlemen evidently do .
25 His observation , made in a characteristically matter of fact manner , was in no way intended as a put-down of his intellectual inheritors but simply as an indication of the fertility of that great harvest period .
26 His idea was to tell his story ‘ in a perfectly matter of fact and sober manner ’ ( Willett 1978 , p. 154 ) .
27 In a housewifely kind of way , Court went out to the kitchen , returning with a plate of sandwiches .
28 Then we took off down the back alleys in case someone saw us and told our parents .
29 ‘ IT IS A REGION more difficult to traverse than the Alps or the Himalayas , but if strength and courage are sufficient for the task , by a year 's toil a concept of sublimity can be obtained never again to be equalled on the hither side of Paradise . ’
30 Milton Keynes Borough Council say they will save £400,000 a year by switching to a fortnightly collection of rubbish .
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