Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] years [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For the first years or so of the war , oil and gas operations , setting aside the damaged Gulf terminals and the dislocation of the northern pipeline , continued very much as during the previous decade .
2 The most remarkable of these long-established families were the Boulters who had established no fewer than eight different households during the 100 years or so that they had lived in Wigston .
3 The second is a historical observation , that during the thirty years or so since the first observations of single cell response properties in the visual systems of mammals , our understanding of how the visual system works has been driven as much by theoretical developments in the psychology of perception as the other way round .
4 During the hundred years or so after Constantine Christianity could be a passport to office , power , and wealth .
5 Even after a thousand years or more , evidence of pagan beliefs is still widespread in churches .
6 Their work has withstood the storms of a hundred years and more .
7 Because I think it was Tommy that said it was really after the one finished and there was nothing else round about that there was a gap of a few years and then you got started again here .
8 Beyond the turn of the century , however , the forecast implies a rapid warming into conditions unseen on Earth for a thousand years or more , heralding a super dustbowl era far worse than the 1930s across the Great Plains of North America .
9 An isolationist king means that the land of Ulthuan can turn in on itself for a thousand years or more .
10 Or do the nuclear powers-that be believe that they have won for the world not only peace in our time , but peace for a million years and more .
11 There is evidence that , in living species too , ‘ fossil genes ’ occasionally come into their own again , and are re-used after lying dormant for a million years or so .
12 Scientific and technological advances will help the world deal with greenhouse gases , but not for a hundred years or so .
13 For a hundred years or so before the birth of Jesus , Palestine had been under the rule of the Romans .
14 The wild boar had been hiding behind a large and actually rather unconvincing bush for a hundred years or so .
15 As this did not seem adequately to reach them , " In this country , we have only generally had waterborne sewage for a hundred years or so .
16 It goes back for a hundred years or more .
17 At the present pace of progress in Brussels , similar changes throughout the EC may not come in for a dozen years or more , and British farmers fear that they will lose business while waiting for European competitors to catch up .
18 He remained at sea for a few years and probably visited the United States .
19 : Ma for a few years and recently we 've reassessed the doses and also we 've reassessed the risks so those two things together have caused us to express our concern and to advise the government what to do about it .
20 The first cultivators in Africa , as in all parts of the world , would farm a field for a few years and then , when its fertility began to drop , move on to an adjacent , or occasionally distant , area where high yields could be maintained for a similar period .
21 He retired from public life for a few years and then returned to full prominence .
22 New sayings are on everyone 's lips for a few years and then for no reason they disappear , becoming as dead and as dated as the dodo .
23 For this reason , the Institute will restrict the examination to candidates who have been trained by holders of the Dip CITT. for a few years and then review the situation to see whether the professional structures have developed enough to sustain new entrants .
24 We went into Street for a few years and then we came up here in nineteen twenty eight .
25 The thing is you 've got to it 's it 's like Nigel , I mean , he works for my uncle erm and he had the other guy Mark working for him for a few years and then he employed Nigel , but Mark was n't a fully qualified plumber and Nigel was and he 's ooh I do n't know about I think he 's about nineteen or no he 's about twenty three I think , yeah
26 As we pulled up at the lights , he leaped out , kicked the wheel cap back into place , grinned and said , ‘ Thanks , it happens about every two years or so , ’ got back in his car , then signalled equally wildly for me to wind down my window .
27 In the six years and more that she had been David 's wife , not once had she heard his voice raised in such dark anger .
28 But facing up to conflicts and difficulties throughout marriage , be it in the early years or later , is the way of growth and strength .
29 This method has been used with success in the study of the coinage of archaic and classical Greece , where , for instance , the evidence of several large hoards has enabled a fairly detailed sequence and chronology to be established for the earliest Greek silver coins , made in the fifty years or so before about 475BC .
30 In the two years or more that she had been in Nordale she had almost come to think of it as home .
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