Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 Be that as it may , there were still those in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who still continued to look on Siberia as an exploited colony whose population and resources were recklessly plundered and despoiled by the central government , whose merchantry continued to suffer under the ‘ economic yoke of Moscow ’ and the commercial interests of the centre , whose native peoples were many of them doomed to extinction , where such civil and political rights and modern judicial institutions as existed in tsarist Russia were largely denied to the population of Siberia , where the cultural and educational infrastructure was inadequate for the region 's needs , and which was still used as a distant dumping ground for the criminal sweepings of the rest of the empire .
2 The admiration which churchmen such as Cardinal Arthur Hinsley and Bishop G. K. A. Bell of Chichester [ qq.v. ] had for Dawson involved him actively as vice-president in the Sword of the Spirit , a proto-ecumenical movement which , to his disappointment , proved to be too visionary for the Roman authorities of the time .
3 Even as a match for the Tatar warriors of the Crimea , who were similarly equipped , their value declined when in the 1630s and 1640s a strong line of fortifications was built in the south .
4 It was tempting to think that he might live down there for ever , occasionally emerging to dodge through the empty quiet streets ; watching for the armed patrols of the faceless men in black .
5 After the Egyptian leader , Sadat , granted the United States rights to use certain of Egyptian military facilities at the beginning of the 1980s , notably at Ras Banas on the Red Sea , Soviet writers described his ‘ preparedness to allow military bases for the armed forces of the United States of America on his territory ’ as being ‘ in violation of the basic principles of the Non-Aligned Movement ’ .
6 By the early twentieth century this was undoubtedly less of a calculative relationship than Michael Anderson has described for the middle decades of the nineteenth century .
7 The bass clef is used for the lower parts of the compass , the tenor for the higher .
8 Stone or marble was used for the lower parts of the walls , the upper being of sun-dried brick and timber .
9 With the titans of 1945 gone , the stumbling old guard of the Conservative Party finally tripped up : it was the chance for the lower orders of the middle classes to bite back .
10 As the numbers grow , it is to be hoped that the voluntary organisations will be pivotal in local planning for the specific needs of the very old in these minorities , both in terms of actual provision and also by drawing the attention of the statutory services to particular needs and problems .
11 We are the people that God has equipped , for this time in history , in our city and neighbourhood , for the specific needs of the people around us .
12 Of all the changes in the last two generations , only the great reservoirs of water for the industrial cities of the North and Midlands have added anything to the scene that one can contemplate without pain .
13 The town itself is 8 miles from Manchester and is convenient for the industrial centres of the Mersey .
14 Malc was taking first watch with the kids and was in no hurry to leave the cosy guarded fireside for the icy wastes of the bathroom .
15 Does the Oxford Forestry Institute have a programme of education for the ordinary members of the public to enable them to have this vision of their assets .
16 Plain hospital beds with flock mattresses laid on interlaced wire springs were for the junior members of the staff .
17 I write to ask your readers for nominations for the Catholic Women of the Year .
18 The pendulum swings from right to left , and from left to right , each side overcompensating for the perceived aberrations of the other .
19 Yet nothing can quite make up for the gaudy excesses of the auto-da-fe .
20 For the professional soldiers of the Legion , this was the final blow , and when Generals Challe and Salan led a revolt , the 1er and 2ème Régiments Étrangers de Parachutistes joined it almost to a man .
21 It was also necessary to provide complementary training for the professional members of the social service teams .
22 The first publication resulting from this tour abroad was Catalogus Plantarum quae in Jamaica ( 1696 ) , reviewed favourably by John Ray for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society , his faith in the young collector fully justified .
23 The debate over research has become the battleground for the competing ideologies of the academic community and of the state .
24 This has been blamed , for example , for the extensive carbonates of the late Devonian and early Carboniferous , and for those of the Cretaceous .
25 He joined the practice of Jethro Thomas Robinson , who was not only theatre architectural adviser to the lord chamberlain but was also responsible for the surviving interiors of the Old Vic in London ( 1872 ) and the Theatre Royal in Margate ( 1874 ) .
26 This ‘ doctrine invented in Europe at the beginning of the nineteenth century ’ was then exported to other parts of the world as a result of colonial expansion , and this — rather than any popular revolt against colonial rule — accounts for the nationalist movements of the twentieth century , led by nationalist intellectuals who are ‘ marginal ’ to their own societies .
27 For the long-term causes of the Famine we have to delve deep behind the flat time-dimension of 1922 .
28 The adjustment mechanism was a lowering of the VAT based payment for the UK , but an upwards adjustment in VAT payments for the net beneficiaries of the budget .
29 There is now a growing , widespread acceptance of CD-ROM as an effective electronic publishing medium and its established and growing base of users are as much a potential , almost captive , market for the textual databases of the past as they are for the multimedia databases of the immediate future .
30 When pasting your template on the piece of veneer selected for the outline — usually a dark wood — try to arrange for the thinnest parts of the design to run along the grain .
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