Example sentences of "[adj] way [verb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A room which served Coleridge in a different way stood at the back of the house on the first floor : this was Tom Poole 's vaulted bookroom , created by him early in 1795 and filled with a wide-ranging library which helped to reconcile Coleridge to the loss of his frequent visits to the City Library in Bristol .
2 A game of darts at the local pub ; just as much a favourite way to relax at the end of the day 50 years ago , as it is now .
3 What better way to unwind at the end of a frantic week than treating yourself to an hour or two of pure pampering ?
4 According to the consortium proposing the mine , digging an open pit is the only way to get at the tungsten , which is embedded as a wolframite ( iron manganese tungstenate ) in a deposit of granite .
5 The articles of association say that the value will be fixed by the company 's auditors acting as experts and not as arbitrators , and there is no other way to arrive at the figure which follows the requirements of the constitution of the company .
6 Having examined the income and retained earnings statements of the firm , the final way to look at the firm 's financial structure is to examine its balance sheet .
7 NARAL is asking readers of the New York Times to see a loss of women 's rights as a loss of Americans ' rights , thus implying that this is a novel way to look at the matter .
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