Example sentences of "[verb] more [coord] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It looks more and more like a cover for a pax americana .
2 And of course , you could say that , that could be happening more and more with the advances in medical science .
3 From the moment Ezra left the Anglo-Saxon world he began to suffer more and more from the isolation of his intellectual exile .
4 At the same time , at the level of practical pedagogy , there is a counter-tendency in the study of the national canon to concentrate more and more on a small and diminishing number of texts .
5 Mr Collum felt that implementation of international standards in the future would fall more and more to the Accounting Standards Board , although ideally he felt leadership should come from the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Accounting Standards Board in the US and , ‘ if it can ever get its act together ’ , the European Commission .
6 It has always been noticed that information technology skills , of which we shall need more and more in the coming years , have tended to lag behind the demand for those skills .
7 Increasing market share , becoming the low-cost producer , developing new products , and/or increasing employee productivity depend more and more on the kinds and quality of information systems in the organisation .
8 For Acheson , who became Secretary of State in January 1949 , as for most of the Administration , Congress and probably most of the American people , and as a straight and simple choice , France was more important than Vietnam or Indo-China and more valuable than a party aspiring to be government which , in spite of impeccable anti-colonial credentials and its ability to present itself as all things to all men , was beginning to look more and more like an affiliated communist state .
9 Medved muddies the waters by treating cinema , television and pop more or less as a single entity .
10 They stared in fascination at the imperfect outline which did indeed look more and more like the print of a shoe the longer they gazed .
11 As you gradually get more and more into the thoughts you suddenly shout ‘ STOP ! ’ very loudly and clap your hands loudly simultaneously .
12 By 1804 Wordsworth had embraced an attitude usually described as Stoical — his poems refer more and more to the virtue of endurance in the face of suffering , age and death ( Michael , The Small Celandine , Resolution and Independence , Ode to Duty ) .
13 John Smith sounds more and more like a left-of-centre Conservative minister .
14 As Sartre insists more and more upon the virtues of specificity ( II , 200 — 05 ) , such is his distaste for Marxist or any other universalizing categories that he refuses even to countenance them , attempting to replace concepts with specificities , universals with singulars .
15 But er course we n n never got any money because we er m it more or less disbanded the Notts miners ' union that did , it er it took everything away was That was when we were er er s the Spencer union was formed more or less by the management .
16 It 's very dangerous because lots of people looking at you makes you think more and more about the image that you 're presenting to the world .
17 But I 'd dealt more or less with the small firms even to the the extent of collecting dues .
18 There are also several economic unions which operate more or less in a bloc-like manner .
19 As the state had come to intervene more and more in the field of welfare provision it fed the ethic of equality and broke down the constraining check of deference ( of poor people in their place ) , so itself contributing to a growing lobby for " more " and " better " public provision .
20 Although the advertising industry is almost promiscuous in its use of verbal slogans , the creative emphasis falls more and more upon the persuasive power of imagery — slow motion shots demonstrating the lustrous lightness of newly washed hair , or the soft resilience of freshly laundered towels — in fact it would be tiresome to list the repertoire of non-verbal devices deliberately designed to by-pass a critical vigilance based upon language .
21 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
22 The image of the real parents contrasts more and more with the early infantile one , and this contrast includes others who become part of the superego , teachers and other authority figures … today we have the following problem : the inhibiting , controlling , and guiding function of the superego , which largely merges with the ego , is weakened through the weakness of the parents , through indulgent education which fails to train the ego , and through the general social climate of permissiveness .
23 Unless local Bars are then strong enough to cope with the demand for advocacy , this will pass more and more to the solicitors .
24 Worse still , interest rates shot up and Romania had to pay more and more to the Western banks simply to service the debt .
25 Although care should be taken to choose varieties that ripen more or less at the same time to avoid losses , dredge mixtures are generally cut green and dried like hay to be fed ‘ on the straw ’ or made into silage .
26 Ollivier had already been forced to remake his Ministry , which was now weakened by the presence of many who gave him only grudging support , and this in turn forced him to rely more and more on the Emperor 's personal intervention when difficulties arose .
27 We will have to rely more and more on the back-up squad to keep us going .
28 Decision-making and prioritizing therefore fall more and more to the kind of people whose forte is attending meetings and getting the support of those present .
29 We work more or less in the same area but had n't talked to one another for a long time .
30 The passage has virtually no narrative progression : indeed , it begins more or less at the end of the interview .
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