Example sentences of "[verb] back to the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If he can not accept it , can he at least dispatch a team of Scottish Office officials to see matters on the ground and report back to the Scottish Office on the grim situation faced by the islands ?
2 The Bill is reported back to the whole House as amended .
3 Her first instinct had been to creep back to the familiar haven of her room , but now Chesarynth could n't face its bright emptiness .
4 Speaking at the 1989 BEMAS Annual Conference , Martin Davies , Director of NCC , referred back to the early gloom and outrage , but then went on to say : ‘ What is remarkable is how little dissent and how little opposition there is now the overwhelming majority have accepted the idea of a National Curriculum . ’
5 And it , kind of faces both ways , it , it looks back to the early period of the development of Freud 's thought that we 've already spoken about , and its beginnings back in the eighteen nineties , and in certain other respects , it looks forward , to the kind of revolution that was going to occur after World War Two .
6 This old way , ‘ With an alien people clutching their gods ’ , looks back to the savage world which Eliot had been exploring , the world trapped in the ritual of ‘ birth , and copulation , and death ’ .
7 Purpose hard in her , she staggered back to the flat sheet of the blueness that was spread to catch the warmth of the sun and in her frozen hand was a knife sharpened by erosion from a rock .
8 However , they caused me no ill and I staggered back to the Golden Turk and the tender care of the slattern , a bowl of rich broth and countless frothing tankards of ale .
9 I have come back to the international scene with a fierce rival in Phil Tufnell , with Ian Salisbury breathing down our necks and Hampshire 's young Sean Udal making great strides every season .
10 The devilish smile , oblique and sharp as a scar , had come back to the gaunt face .
11 Without a word , I restarted the motor and headed back to the mooring bay , half a mile distant , encouraged by a running commentary : ‘ Why are we going in ?
12 He waved to show he was all right , then swam back to the floating machine , still laughing .
13 Guy was sitting at the pool 's edge as she swam back to the shallow end .
14 Ms Ferguson 's family , traced back to the illegitimate son of an English planter and a slave girl , is constantly present in the texts , photographs and recipes .
15 When the penis is stimulated by touch , the " feeling message " is carried back to the spinal cord at the sacral level from which the nerves emerge .
16 Had it not been for the activities of Lady Laetitia 's lover , bold Sir Rupert Cartland ( played by an odious young actor who 'd risen to prominence by playing a tough naval lieutenant in a television series ) making with the garlic and the wooden stakes ( a bit of vampire lore crept into the script ) , Lady Laetitia and her father would have been turned into zombies and carried back to the subterranean cave , where they would never be heard of again .
17 Members of the committee visited the institution in rotation and reported back to the full committee .
18 I changed back to the Tasmanian Devil and had a similar thumping take first cast .
19 And , as one later moved into other divisions to be taught by other people one always seemed to come back to the Roman Conquest of Britain , which I found particularly boring , and learnt nothing .
20 Yes , well I think that 's why you that 's why I keep on trying to come back to the regulatory system , because what you really in fundamental form a pension is a contract between an employer and an individual , you know you pay me so much money and when you get to a certain age I will pay you .
21 Ready to come back to the unreal world ? ’
22 He had a strong feeling that he wanted to dash back to the Romano-British section and break a piece of statuary over the bastard 's head .
23 I wandered back to the main entrance of the chateau and found Benjamin , equally disconsolate , sitting on the steps .
24 As the sun rose higher , shortening the shadows and drawing the dew from the grass , most of the rabbits came wandering back to the sun-flecked shade among the cow-parsley along the edge of the ditch .
25 One leaves the activity by the same means , directed back to the appropriate page of the main text .
26 I pedalled back to the High Street , past Magdalen and across the bridge to the Plain .
27 Most of their funds were lent back to the personal sector .
28 If the dramatic frame is an enquiry or an investigation the children might well be creating still images , which they can then bring back to the whole group .
29 Time and time again discussions about tears came back to the central theme of the wish to be cared for-not all the time , the women with whom I talked were quite clear about that .
30 Finch finished the movement and then came back to the other room , thinking of how much time he had spent with Henry and Betty over the years .
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